View Full Version : Connecting with spirit guides

18th January 2014, 10:27 AM
Hi Robert,

I have been practising my affirmations and meditating with intentions to connect with my spirirt guides. I have during my research come across a paper that says when we do this we open ourselves up to astral dark entities, that can and will control our thinking and lead us to believe they are for our higher good.

This has scared me and I wanted to hear your thoughts please.


Robert Bruce
30th January 2014, 05:41 AM
There is a layer of spirit, containing dubious entities, that covers our world, classically called 'The middle plateau'.

One must pass through this layer before one gets to the real stuff.

Only a very small percentage successfully navigate through this layer.

Spiritual development does not open you up to anything you were not open to before starting the journey. The negatives are always there. When the opportunity arises they test us. This is their purpose...to provide resistance and testing. And through this we grow....
