View Full Version : The internet.

15th January 2014, 11:00 AM
I've found that the internet is used mainly as communication and exploration of third party basis in practical matter and should be used as so. The mockery of this blasted space is a gross means of communication and should be viewed as so. The system and basis of its communication and contents are a vicarious, third person mockery of themselves. In some exchange the internet, its contents and patrons, are equally mocked. I am wondering: where is the missing link?

Robert Bruce
30th January 2014, 05:36 AM
They main thing to keep in mind about the Internet is that it = freedom of expression and exchange of ideas.

This is worth fighting for, and more...

Human civilization is quite primitive and rates close to zero on the galactic scale. But the Internet is a Type 1 Civilization communications network. That's a good start.

Food for thought....


27th February 2014, 12:06 PM
Missing link found: Marilena Kyrozi, victim of oligohyrdamnios and suffering from Okamoto syndrome, Athens, Greece.

Celebrate Rare Disease Day 2014, February 28th.