View Full Version : Descending Kundalini
6th July 2006, 06:21 PM
At the moment I try to gather information about the descending Kundalini.
Does anyone knows anything about this?
If you are interested I will try to give a summary about what I found out later...
Yeh, I'd really like to know. Last night I woke up with pressure going down from my crown. It felt just like rising Kundalini, only from the other direction. :shock: Weird that you would post this right now. :D
7th July 2006, 04:17 AM
Here you go:
7th July 2006, 09:44 AM
This is the system used and described in the Yoga of Sri Aurobindo -the famous indian master of pondicherry,India. He says the Kundalini force/energy is not only below us in an unconscious state waiting to be awakened, but it's also above us in a conscious's also called the Shakti in yoga.His whole yoga is based on the Descent of this Spiritual Force/Kundalini, which he also says is much safer than bringing the Force from below.The upward ascent also happens but after the descending Force has opened the way through the chakras etc and created a pure/stable foundation, while it makes us ready by changing our consciousness..I suggest you read his 'LETTERS ON YOGA' which explain in detail every aspect of this method.l've been experiencing it personally for many years and l know it exists.Other things also also descend in this way too - like Peace,Bliss/Ananda, Light, truth etc. l have experienced most of these myself.
7th July 2006, 09:49 AM
Yeah it does happen like can begin like pressure and then breaks through any blockages to prepare the way for greater descents.
I should mention that sexual activity will hinder and prevent the Force from remaing within the body though and it won't stay with you.
7th July 2006, 11:11 AM
Thank you, Sorlac, and thanks to Aunt Clair, too. :-)
Patty, I am currently working myself through the links Aunt Clair provided. I think the "Witness" technique will help you when Kundalini ascends and descends. As I know now, I have experienced the descending Kundalini both from the perspecive of the personality and from the perspective of the Impersonal Witness and they are very different experiences indeed. I am not sure, yet, but it seems to me that the purification of the personality (usually teached for ascending kundalini) is not necessary at all, once you can by-pass the energy through the Witness. To put it differently, when you can store /hide the personality from the Serpent, kundalini ascend and descend will find no resistance and there are no painfull sideeffects that origin in kundalini "blowing the pipe clean".
The technique is described here; it is one of the links Aunt Clair provided
I just wished I knew what happens energetically when kundalini is by-passed through the Witness as the effect and experiences are so different.
8th July 2006, 03:49 AM
Oh wow, thanks for asking this! Several weeks ago this was happening to me and I almost posted here, and then told myself, "Don't be silly, of course there's no such thing as kundalini coming DOWN instead of up ..." :roll:
But why does it go down through the crown instead of up like you normally hear about?
8th July 2006, 10:15 AM
Yes, I just made the same mistake myself, thinking that kundalini just ascends and never descends. I do not remember experiencing the usual kundalini "spikes", etc, though I had mystic experiences that *might* have been related to an ascending kundalini - I am not sure. Cause of this I had lost a bit of interest in kundalini (no own experiences, as I thought) and thought that experiences of mine that were related to an descending energy *could* not be kundalini. But finally I found someone from the Advaita Vedanta (in the line of Swami Anandakapila Saraswati), giving as good a definition of this particular energy I experienced several times to her as I could.
Due to my own experiences I summarised it as:
"What is the name of a powerfull energy with the quality of love that moves downwards to the physical and is descructive to the ego but does not affect the Witness? "
I had asked several other people, who were into energy, before, but they all had told me that "love" was not destructive. Anyway, as it turned out in Vedanta this destructive love-energy is indeed descending kundalini shakti.
Her answer was that in Vedanta the ascending kundalini process is called: Aroha-pantha or jnana marg. That ascending process is dependent upon the mind and the senses.
The decending process of kundalini-shakti, Avaroha-pantha, is the process by which Absolute Truth is Known and it is not dependent on the mind or the senses.
Avaroha-pantha/descending process is usually associated with Shaktipat from a Self Realized Being. But in general Avaroha-pantha is the descending process which floods one with Transcendental Knowledge/Absolute Truth. The Knowledge that is gained by the ascending process ie. Aroha-pantha, and because it is perceived with the mind and senses is filled with all kinds of 'defects' and 'imperfections' (Ajnana/ignorance). But the descending process 'brings in' 'Perfect Knowledge,' transcendent of the mind and senses.
As a metaphor: the Ascending Kundalini Shakti (Aroha) blows out the pipes so that the Decending Kundalini Shakti (Avaroha) can fill them with Transcendental Knowledge/Jnana.
When the Kundalini Shakti completes it's ascent, Nataraj Dances in the Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) but the process is not complete until Kundalini Shakti makes It's decent into The Heart. Some believe the process is complete when Kundalini Shakti makes Her full ascent and Nataraj Dances in the Sahasrara. But, in Vedanta, Kundalini Shakti makes her descend and reside In the Heart.
Having just read what RB wrote about the subject: he called the descending knowledge "abstract", I find this a striking similarity to Vedanta. Descending knowledge Avaroha -pantha is not known with the mind and the senses, thus mind and senses do not know what do do with it. Avaroha-pantha does not come in concepts or symbols or patterns of the mind but I suspect that the mind can find concepts and symbols *similar* (thought not identical) to it so that it can be - to a certain degree - talked about and understood from the mind's perspective. Personally, I believe (and hope) that the more Aroha-pantha is downloaded the better the mind is able to translate this "abstract" knowledge into terms of the conceptual mind.
It seems this process of ascension and descending is known in religions all over the world:
"The Ascending and Descending Energy is depicted in every tradition. Yoga and Vedanta are are but two of them. It is revealed in the Tantric Yoga imagery as the Lingam (ascending) and Yona (descending) energies (there are many others there too). It is depicted in the Hexagram/Star of David which is also used as a symbol of occultism. The Hexagram is formed by two overlapping, equilateral triangles. One pointing up to represent the ascending energy and the other pointing down to represent the descending energy. It is also represented in the Blade and the Challis.The descending energy is also represented in the descent of the Holy Spirit, seen as a dove which descended on Christ at His baptism and also the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. It is seen in the Central and Governing meridian in Taoism (to mention one in that system) And last but not least it is depicted in the Sri Yantra, which is known as The Yantra of Creation and The Mother of All Yantra's, with It's five descending and It's four ascending triangles."
So well, so much for now (in addition to Aunt Clair's information). I get the feeling that slowly a consitent picture is forming (for me ;-) ) ...
8th July 2006, 01:23 PM
Let me see if I understand you, since you used some terms I'm not familiar with. You're saying that the descending kundalini is more abstract and is not perceived with the mind or ego. So ... it would make sense that this happened to me because for the past year, I've been actively working with non-dualist concepts and authors like Eckhart Tolle who advocate transcending ego. It has been my major focus in life and in meditations.
But if ascending kundalini has not occurred (not that I know of!), what does that mean? You say ascending kundalini is meant to "Clear the Pipes" for the descending. Does that mean my pipes are already clear, so to speak, so there was no need for the ascending? I like to think that I'm making progress, but that seems a bit much to say of myself :)
Whenever people talk about their kundalini experiences, they report feeling vastly different and changed. All sorts of strange abilities, knowledge, perspectives, etc. I feel basically the same, though, with a few exceptions. It was a wonderful experience, but nothing dramatic that nearly killed me, etc. That's another reason I didn't associate it with kundalini.
8th July 2006, 06:54 PM
Let me see if I understand you, since you used some terms I'm not familiar with. You're saying that the descending kundalini is more abstract and is not perceived with the mind or ego. So ... it would make sense that this happened to me because for the past year, I've been actively working with non-dualist concepts and authors like Eckhart Tolle who advocate transcending ego. It has been my major focus in life and in meditations.
Yes, I think this kind of mysticsm is deeply related to descending knowledge. It seems to me that there are basically two kinds of mysticsm, one is related to trance. It is *percieved* in trance states thus the knowledge is translated into terms your subconcsious mind understands. Mystics who experience this usually have not much trouble telling about their experiences as their mind has already transformed the divine knowledge into symbols. I think this is related to ascension. The other kind of mystics (like Eckhart Tolle) usually speak in more abstract terms, like non-dualistic (advaita) concepts. These are difficult to translate and easily misunderstood. One of my favorite examples is the mystic concept of "virgin" that is for "descending mystics" a state of soul they experience in contemplation and is - for these mystics like Sant John of the Cross - also how it is used in the Bible.
Ascending mysticsm is ego-based. The sense of self is expanded and develloped and purified but the ego is kept and perception is based on the mind and senses. I don't mean this disgrading or negative. For me the term "ego" means that expecting sense of self that we usually call "me" in contrast to "others" while being awake.
Descending mysticsm is not ego-based. This means one has problems afterwards to discern between oneself and the experience. The experience, the experiencer and the process of experiencing are not separate from each other. There is usually also no sense of "I" or "mine" in these experiences. They are direct. When you experience the divine in descending mysticsm it won't end with "you experiencing God" but "you are God" in you memory, due to the non-duality.
But if ascending kundalini has not occurred (not that I know of!), what does that mean?
That we have a riddle to solve ;-)
Seriously, I don't know, yet. I, too, have no memory of the ascension. But I have descending memories, usually ending in the "Impersonal Witness" observing the human person Freawaru and then merging with Freawaru. But not from the physical outside like in OBE but from the inside, like lucidly waking up.
From a point of logic I must have ascended from Freawaru to be able to descend again, right? But I have no memory of this.
You say ascending kundalini is meant to "Clear the Pipes" for the descending. Does that mean my pipes are already clear, so to speak, so there was no need for the ascending? I like to think that I'm making progress, but that seems a bit much to say of myself :)
I am currently investigating a theory of mine, namely that there are two kinds of channels. One is related to the personality (and this would have the need to be purified for ascension) and the other is the Impersonal WItness. This would agree with my own experiences. If one uses the Impersonal Witness channel for ascension and descending no resistance would be met by Kundalini as the Witness is pure by definition. The Impersonal Witness is also known as "Singular Eye" or "Witness of God" for example and as far as I can tell from my own experiencs it goes right down to the lowest and deepest and physical. It is how the divine looks at creation.
From an energetical point of view I do not know what is going on, though. I do not know if the WItness can be seen clairvoiantly for example. Cause it is just a switch of perspective and does not affect what is going on. It is like you are suddenly aware that you are actually the reader of a book and just merged with one of the characters most of the time. The story in the book, the character, everything is as before, just *your* perspective has changed. So, as I said I do not know.
A possible "candidate" for the Witness channel would of course be the Sushumna. "It is one of fourteen currents within the spine which govern the instinctive, intellectual, conscious, subconscious, sub of the subconscious, subsuperconscious and superconscious areas of the mind. The ida and the pingala are two of these fourteen, so this leaves eleven more within the spine." ... ch-38.html (
This is why I do not believe at the moment that the sushumna is the Witness channel. It is described as "governing", the Witness however does not govern (in fact I would call the ego the "governor"). The Witness only observes. Ascending techniques try to balance the ida and pingala and then transfer energy into the Sushumna that is still ego. So there has to be still another channel.
Whenever people talk about their kundalini experiences, they report feeling vastly different and changed. All sorts of strange abilities, knowledge, perspectives, etc. I feel basically the same, though, with a few exceptions. It was a wonderful experience, but nothing dramatic that nearly killed me, etc. That's another reason I didn't associate it with kundalini.
Yes, me, too. Freawaru was not affected in most of my mystic experiences. When I "re-merged" with Freawaru I just had some more abstract memories and lot's of questions. :shock:
But I am also sure that that love-energy went through the Witness, unhindered.
It is a mystery, :lol:
Aunt Clair
9th July 2006, 01:26 AM
I have just been looking at that thread to post some ideas about K
from Occult Forums ... 6224#26224 (
I feel that we are born with 2 kandas and that these two centres are
the male kanda in the earth tan tien as the perinuem
and the female kanda in the moon tan tien as the crown on the scalp .
We read the new age myths about the feared kundalini rising from the male tan tien . Kundalini is not to be feared . Fear attracts negativity . We need to go with the flow and prepare the body so each flame results in beauty and knowledge and further alchemical growth .
After a long time rising and descending on the spine from the crown and the perineum we will have developed the X axis sufficiently to develop new growth on the Y axis . We will begin to experience kundalini through the sun stone on the yellow dan tien of the solar plexus .
The ancients wrote about a Z axis . I have experienced growth in the cube of XYZ but I have not had a kundalini experience that is Zed in nature . YET .
The kandas can be seen as salad plate size flat discs at this stage . The male and female are parallel to each other . The sun kanda is vertical though and this is just beginning for me . We have had so many pillars enter the body and we develop alchemical structures and channeling and microcircuitry and then the Y axis opens .
My circle now has 6 channels through the body . I will write more on this new development soon . In the interim , please help me to chronicle the path of K by adding to the posts about your own experiences .
With any K event , it is important to witness the preK events ie spikesand dreams and visions . Then choose when to release the build up . Empty the bowels , fast , drink lots of water and sit in meditative trance to be a witness to this glorious event .
We certainly can be caught by surprise and experience a K event without any adverse symptoms but if we prepare and capture the moment , we are eased in the transition and experience its full potential .
The energy will maintain a longer effulgence with each subsequent flame . This is a time of short lasting enlightenment to be enjoyed and used wisely .IMHO , each flame yields a longer time at Kether .
10th July 2006, 09:11 AM
What is the z-axis for ?
In the interim , please help me to chronicle the path of K by adding to the posts about your own experiences .
Hmmm, there we have a problem as - as you know - I cannot see in Hermetic symbols so far. And as to energy, I did not know what people meant when saying "energy" till my Reiki initiation last year - and only then I remembered that I had known this particular sensation before. But as I never knew what it was I had simply blocked it off, resulting in blocking most energetical sensations from my consciousness. Most of these blocks are still intact. And in my past it needed a realy strong sensation to make me aware and remember that something was going on. I had called it a "flow", not "energy" but I think they are just different words for the same thing, now.
So, all I can describe are the "symptoms", but I would be very interested in aligning them to Hermetic symbolism.
This descending love energy I experienced first during Impersonal Witness/vipassana experiences. I had a lot of them in my teens and twens. Every few months, from flashes of less than a second to maybe a minute.
Maybe I should add here that I had been practicing Hatha Yoga daily for about an hour for half a year when I was twelve years old. After that only sporadically, when I felt driven to practice it again. I leaned only from a book. The asana series is called "Rishikesch". One of the asanas (Shalabasana) is supposed to awaken Kundalini but the book said "it is not necessary to know what "kundalini" is to get the effects inside the organism". And seriously, I never got THAT far ;-) : ... asana.html (
When the first Witness experiences happend I did not have any idea what to make of them afterwards. What I recalled of them didn't make any sense at all. For example, I was voidness, no emotions, no thoughts, no images, no I, no desires, no wishes, a bit like a vast space but this space is not different from you, basically cause there is no "you". I would not call it "peacefull" or "fearless", either, as these terms inply that the opposite, namely not-peacfull and fear exist. I only can describe it as "beyond all concepts". Then, there would be some kind of an alteration and I was aware of "Freawaru". I was observing the thoughts, emotions, will, deeds, the subconscious "programms", how sensorical info was transformed into images and symbols the "Freawaru consciousness" was reacting to, etc. But I was still the Other, voidness, no judgement, no reaction, no expectation. The first times there was not even recognition (nor a desire for recognition) of what I saw. Then another alteration and I was "Freawaru" again, shopping (or whatever I had been doing) and there was NO loss of time in my memory. Freawaru's memory was always without holes. As if the experience never had happend. But I remembered something, even when it made no sense. And I never remembered the way upwards.
Each time I would recall more of the Witness experience. I had begun to call it the "Watcher/Reader" in analogy to watching/reading characters in movie or books. I was not really comfortable with them as I did not know what to make of them. I never had heard anyone experiencing this.
Then, one time, I was just crossing a street on foot, the switching into the Witness happend but in contrast to all other experiences the Witness was not entirely empty. There was a kind of thought, but it was not Freawaru's thought, nor was it in a language. It was not really inside the Witness, actually, but on the "other side" of the Witness. The "thought" was (translated into english language something like "all according to plan". I found this both weird and amusing (especially as nothing unusual was going on in Freawaru's life) and felt a need to readjust my theory about these experiences. I had been reading a bit about Zen and Buddhism by then and found the concept "voidness" quite fitting to my own theories - though in those first books I read vipassana was never mentioned.
After this I would sometimes feel that love-energy descending into the Witness (from the Other Side) and taking me back into Freawaru.
The only time I experienced this love-energy going through Freawaru was completely different. There had been something going on. From time to time I experience what I call "traps" or "prisons". They are a kind of "vision" in the sense that something floods my mind and makes me unable to concentrate on something else but that. They are not visuals, though, nothing tangible. More a thought or concepts entering my mind like a bug a computer and taking all processing time for itself. In this case it was something like this "I am the world and all persons inside it, I am the kosmos ... why live then, why care for this dream?"
I had been trying to go on with real life as normal as I could and struggling to take my "processing time" back for some days. I went to the dancing lessons I attended at that time and that day my teachers nine years old daughter and her friend were taking an extra-lesson before my course started. Being a bit early I watched them, having nothing else to do but wait. Then, suddenly, it occured to me how much fun these two girls had, how much they loved to dance. in that instant I merged with them, feeling their love and fun for a moment - and THEN that destructive love-energy descended. It almost destroyed Freawaru. I felt her dissipating, I felt *me* dissipating cause I was merged with Freawaru again, then.
It was only a second or less. Then the flow stoped again and I/Freawaru stabilized. I realized the "prison" was broken. I could move my mind to concentrate on whatever I wanted again. No struggle any more. Back to normal. I wondered why - except for all that desctuctivety - that flow had felt so familiar until I remembered the Witness experiences.
I have been trying to find an explanation since then.
10th July 2006, 09:21 AM
Oh, I want to add something about the Impersonal Witness. I have been trying to find signs of what triggers these experiences but was not really successfull. Sometimes very strong emotion triggers it. But sometimes not, too. Sometimes a general detachment does - and sometimes not.
But there might be a subtle sign that the Impersonal Witness is there: It feels - in flashes or longer - as if something watches THROUGH you, for days or months before the switch happens. It feels as if everything you are aware of, thinking or doing is echoed in a vast cave system. You don't feel watched from the outside but from the inside of your own scull. As if a dimensional gate has opened in the centre of the scull and everything passes through you into that gate. But you won't feel judged or something. Just this echo-feeling.
Aunt Clair
12th July 2006, 12:36 PM
What is the z-axis for ?
The x Axis is the spine where most of the work is done . The Y represents the arms and going from l to + .
The Z axis alpha represents the legs and going from + to (+ and / ) making a hexagram * .
The Z axis beta or \ axis makes the wheel of life as a (+ and X )the unification in a cube .
The power of the magician increases in like magnitude from a linear attribute to a multidimensional quality through time ,place and space .
Thanks for your reply and for relating your experiences .
13th July 2006, 07:38 AM
Thank you, Aunt Clair :-)
15th July 2006, 06:27 PM
Ya know, looking at some fantasy art by Boris Vallejo it suddenly occured to me that a Kundalini that descends through the Impersonal Witness would be imaged as a snake coming out of an eye - as Divine eye or Eye of God, etc are synonyms for the Impersonal Witness - irg.
Well, well, Voldemort, anyone?
Guess, I am a black magician after all... :shock:
15th July 2006, 07:34 PM
I'm partial to 'moldybutt'. :lol:
Aunt Clair
18th July 2006, 09:14 AM
This is the system used and described in the Yoga of Sri Aurobindo -the famous indian master of pondicherry,India. He says the Kundalini force/energy is not only below us in an unconscious state waiting to be awakened, but it's also above us in a conscious's also called the Shakti in yoga.His whole yoga is based on the Descent of this Spiritual Force/Kundalini, which he also says is much safer than bringing the Force from below.The upward ascent also happens but after the descending Force has opened the way through the chakras etc and created a pure/stable foundation, while it makes us ready by changing our consciousness..I suggest you read his 'LETTERS ON YOGA' which explain in detail every aspect of this method.l've been experiencing it personally for many years and l know it exists.Other things also also descend in this way too - like Peace,Bliss/Ananda, Light, truth etc. l have experienced most of these myself.
Hi I have read about him and his insights and although I agree about descending, ascending is important too . I feel it is necessary to develop the kundalini from the feet up from the crown down and also through the heart across . I believe kundalini will eventually come at a 45 degree angle into the body because the pillars have been set already into a crystal like structure like an X over a + for 4 separate axis only 1 is described by the upanishads or any other author I have read so far that is linear either up or down . We are multidimensional .
19th July 2006, 07:25 AM
Hi I have read about him and his insights and although I agree about descending, ascending is important too . I feel it is necessary to develop the kundalini from the feet up from the crown down and also through the heart across .
Yes, I agree, There are - as I know from own experiences .- draw backs about "just descending".
Hmm, wasn't there something like "that what ascends is the same as that what descends" in the Tabula Smaragdina. Maybe it refers to Kundalini???
Ah, here it is:
"7. It ascends from earth to heaven, and descends again, new born, to the earth, taking unto itself thereby the power of the Above and the Below."
"9. This is the strongest of all powers, the Force of all forces, for it overcometh all subtle things and can penetrate all that is solid."
Just got a flash, lol. One of the siddhis is named "subtler than the subtlest" :idea:
Aunt Clair
19th July 2006, 08:50 AM
not 45 degrees but at an angle that is slightly more acute ...
Kundalini will be coming soon to a kanda near you lol
A new kanda has developed on the space just below the clavicle this one is called the eye of the sun , there is a reciprocal one in that curve at the base of the spine where the hips begin called the eye of the moon . Through this kanda rose dawnlight enters and exits as moonlight from the obverse one .
9th October 2006, 07:52 PM
Aunt Clair
15th October 2006, 07:50 AM
Kundalini can look like a demon when the human begins to discover the cosmology of self and to regard the guardian demon within . As we transmute the guardian demon there is a stage that is chronicled well . We have to lose the tail and the horns and become angelic . There are images on the net especially in a famous painting by Blake , there is also a site called Christ and the Kundalini . Mainly the kundalini will not be horned or demonic but appear clairvoyantly as a serpent or dragon .
15th October 2006, 02:40 PM
Great picture - I wish I was clairvoiant.
24th November 2006, 11:23 PM
Yes you can have both awakenings.I had a spiritual awakening triggered by a dream 6 1/2 months ago from the top down and it lasted for 3 months and then a Kundalini awakening from down to the top.Last week I was in the witness state and I couldn't sleep when I felt this hot sensation from my toes going up towards my head and it was this woosh and then this roar and I felt it go up into my crown or close to and I saw lights.This took like 2 hours and all this time I was grinning like an idiot.Then I got up and the room was spinning.I don't think it's over though because now I feel half of my head numb or frozen or whatever.Anyone else had this happen? :D
24th November 2006, 11:31 PM
I see a cobra in my mind a lot but there are no thoughts in my mind like I witness everything and take no part in anything.It's just a perception but can make you feel like you are efortlessly floating through life. :lol:
25th November 2006, 05:06 AM
To understand the difference between various energies in the first place we have to put these flows into a greater perspective. The followings are just my personal thoughts on the subjects. In my understanding there are three great flux of energies related to our human organsims and consciousnesses. I will simply call them axial, thoroidal and circular. Probably this is already covered here but I had no time to read all the posts.
Kundalini force (ascending or descending) belongs to the axial (central) type of these energies and is basically an integrative force. It means that it connects individual consciousness into new coherent superconscious systems, i.e. humans from different incarnations into their higher selves. Thus it represents the vertical / personal aspect of evolution. The purpose of this flow is to extend creation, to make order in the peripheral chaos and connect to the central order.
The ascending kundalini is best conceptualised as some kind of sensory energy we channel to the higher selves to feed up on. We also serves as a memory pool similar to computer's hard drive. Without these energy systems higher consciousnesses won't exist. Thus, compared to the circular flow of the microcosmic orbit, the kundalini force (especially the descending one) is rather a flow of information than of energy.
The governing and conceptual meridians are part of the vital / chi / pranic flow and have very little, if any, to do with the axial flow. The circular flow is to gather environmenal energies and keep the psychophysical integrity of the organism thus making it possible to serve its primary purpose. Our bodies are vertical channels of information between earth and heaven. Cooking our own ego or personal consciousness on the top of it is just a gift.
Aunt Clair
13th December 2006, 04:09 AM
...The followings are just my personal thoughts on the subjects...I will simply call them axial, thoroidal and circular...Kundalini force (ascending or descending) belongs to the axial (central) type of these energies
I fundamentally disagree . The axial path may be the conduit that is most discernable to the aspirant but toroidal energy is the basis at the source on inception . The structure of the kanda is initally flat then spheroid then it has a toroidal topology . The kanda brings the energy into the human energy body . I agree that the path up the spinal chakral column is axial but that changes over time with development too . The Stones begin to revolve in a pattern like DNA around the spinal chakral column . That is certainly not an axial topology . The Human energy body is not simplistic and linear but sophisticated and phenomenally complex .
Thus, compared to the circular flow of the microcosmic orbit, the kundalini force (especially the descending one) is rather a flow of information than of energy.
It may not be quantifiable energy by physics standards but it is spiritual energy and can be sensed and quantified with such descriptors such as one might describe Hermetically identified energies ie ; moving , hot , dry , cold , wet etcetera .
The governing and conceptual meridians are part of the vital / chi / pranic flow and have very little, if any, to do with the axial flow.
I think they are fundamental and integral .
These topological descriptors are an interesting way of looking at the energy body , though .
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