View Full Version : Are Past life attachments for real?

12th January 2014, 07:28 PM
I'll skip all the reasons why I think it and ask the above. Are past life attachments real? I was told on the "other side", after I asked about a spook I have that, "The spirit that is attached to you is the result of your actions in the distant past." "You were a mountain man that took part in a massacre of Indians."(native americans).

In addition to a ton of crazy sensations, introductions, and omissions (what the boy told me was edited by someone, as a static sound cut parts of his speech out) was just that. I heard my then voice, and heard the mourning of the victims families. Needless to say it wasnt pretty. But saw very little other then the people around and the park like setting. I dont doubt the veracity of the experience just....what i was told, seems hard to accept because the nasty attachment I have seems nothing like a american Indian. But then I got word....that "it has sense greatly debased himself and is no longer as he was"...

lol It just goes to show you to be careful what you ask for! and a ton of meditation, prayer and general spiritual work goes a long way toward weird crap happening.

I've just had sooooo many crazy obe's and met so many strange people on the other side lately i dont know what to believe.

thanks Your two cents would be appreciated :wacky1:

[Mod note: A copy of this thread for general discussion is here: http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?16866-COPY-Are-Past-life-attachments-for-real ]

Robert Bruce
14th January 2014, 09:28 AM
I have some limited personal experience and observations in this area. Enough to make me think that things of the past, even past lives, can carry on to other lives and cause issues there.

I am not positive about the mechanics of this process, but I have experienced enough to think that this is probable.

However, keep in mind 'the catch basket concept' and 'the way of the master' in that your core beliefs and practices must revolve around personal experience in order to align with the greater reality and your higher self.


14th January 2014, 11:12 PM
Many thanks for your reply

I guess Im still alittle confused. Since I've had past life "visions" , if you will, in the past I think they are "pretty much" a part of my belief system. Its just that they were more open to interpretation about the whos who of it all. This experience was more of a in your face kinda deal if you know what I mean. They made it pretty clear what they were getting at. I guess Im just alittle surprised by it. I guess they and yourself are telling me to get with the program, if the shoe fits wear it, kinda thing.

I havent, I'll confess, seriously considered obe type phenomenon actual "personal experience", despite many forays in that regard. Hardheaded me :roll:

Robert Bruce
30th January 2014, 05:26 AM
When faced with something like this, ask yourself three questions....

Is it possible?
Is it probably?
Is it true?

We need to say 'yes' to all three in order to take something into our core beliefs. And when you do this, it becomes a part of your reality. If this is in alignment with actual reality and truth, then this will align with your higher self and the greater reality.

Do you see how logical and precious this is? It is both a philosophy and a method.

It also aligns with Scientific Method.
