View Full Version : Healing Experience, Astral Sludge

zoe cheyenne
12th January 2014, 01:29 AM
hiii. I've received received remote healing from two different healers. The first healer I was unsatisfied with, mostly because I didn't really experience any significant results... and even though he was in the ballpark at describing what I'd been experiencing, I didn't really feel that I was able to communicate with him very well and didn't really understand what was happening i guess.
The second one was this morning. She claims to be an experienced healer/shaman, and I trust her. She removed a large entity, and a bunch of tiny eel like entities. But I'm assuming that my case is going to be a bit difficult to heal, as she said that my astral body was also filled with.... green sludgy poison. and she had never seen that in anyone before. This didn't surprise me at all, because I have been feeling for the longest time that I have been filled with garbage, from the navel down, which is where she said it was the most concentrated, I guess. She said that she had drained it from my astral body, and that there was a lot of it. Although I feel less awful, I can still feel it inside of me, and I don't know what to do. It's a very disgusting energy, dirty, slimy, hellish, and terrible. One of her personal Goddess's had told her that the cause of these problems were that I was "severely disempowered."

I just want to know if anyone has any more insight as to what is causing this. Or if any healers have had any similar experiences with "sludge" in the astral body.

12th January 2014, 06:22 PM
The only one I can think of isn't in the forum any more.

zoe cheyenne
12th January 2014, 09:29 PM
ahh.. can you give me a bit more detail what you're talking about?

12th January 2014, 09:56 PM
There were a couple of older members who described removing 'sludge' or similar type of structures from their energy bodies (a long time ago) but none of them are members any more. Their posts are probably gone too, since we did a prune in the forum a few years ago and many old posts disappeared. Your best bet is to run a search for keywords such as 'sludge' or 'aura' or 'cleaning', but I have no idea if you'll find something.
The best I can do is recommend that you learn (if you don't know how to do it) to go into trance, and to find and remove the structures yourself, with energy work (the 'rapido' technique, for example) and passive countermeasures to keep you protected in between.

14th January 2014, 06:47 AM
And negative, toxic energy has a hard time coexisting with positive, healing energy.... what if you were to do visualize positive healing energy from the earth and your crown pushing out, displacing, transforming and/or scouring out the toxic sludge?

There's also a removing negativity prayer I like that I'll share via message if you'd like, but it has a tendancy to focus one's personsal karma as a means of transformation (you get opportunity to heal by overcoming yourself).... not any easy prospect.

zoe cheyenne
20th January 2014, 01:48 AM
Thank you. I'm interested in the removing negativity prayer:) It might not be easy but this situation has been really hell-ish so I'm open to doing some work.

zoe cheyenne
20th January 2014, 01:51 AM
Also, I could try doing the visualization as well. although I find it difficult to visualize sometimes, as I'm inexperienced with meditation and spiritual practices, and I get discouraged when something doesn't work consistently. heh

20th January 2014, 06:53 PM
Some meditators can visualize, some not so well. I suppose it's something like 'what can a congenitally blind person dream'? Surely they still dream but without images - landscape, people, whatever - so is that a limitation?

21st January 2014, 04:51 AM
I'll send it along tonight zoe... as for visualization problem, one could use their kinesthetic sense - the feeling sense - like what RB describes with the brush or sponge technique. I hope its helpful.

21st January 2014, 05:32 AM
You shouldn't think it will be difficult. Just because shes never seen it doesn't mean its a big problem. Shes probably just never seen that particular energy. She removed the negs, the sludge is unintelligent, just dirt, it washes off. She probably was tired from getting rid of the negs so didn't do it herself. Its just a matter of doing some energy exercises, it may take a awhile, but I see no reason why it wont work so long as you focus on what your doing.

If I were you, I would use water. Stand in water up to your belly, moving water is best. Let the water flow through your body, it is in the astral and your astral body can do that. As it does it takes the unwanted energy with it, 'bye-bye goop'.

When you feel like all or some of it is gone, think the happiest fuzziest or good(est) thought you have and let that fill up any empty space in your body. Or bring in energy. That will prevent this problem from happening again.

stream, river, lake, shower, bath (don't use a public pool unless you must)

21st January 2014, 05:47 AM
good read, also relevant to this

21st January 2014, 06:19 AM
Arrgh... Zoe I'm having difficulties pm-ing you with the prayer - I keep getting timed out and have to re-sign in. So I pm'ed you a link to where the prayer can be found on the web. Let me know if you get it - as the sent message is not showing up as "sent" in my pm manager.

21st January 2014, 01:32 PM
Try clearing the board cookies, re-logging in and checking the 'keep me signed in' box.

zoe cheyenne
21st January 2014, 09:16 PM
Heh. I suppose what terrifies me is that she did remove the energy, but I can still feel it there a little bit over a week after the healing. I can't help but think there is some underlying reason as to what is keeping this problem in place.

zoe cheyenne
21st January 2014, 09:17 PM
I received it:) thank you very much

22nd January 2014, 06:18 AM
Heh. I suppose what terrifies me is that she did remove the energy, but I can still feel it there a little bit over a week after the healing. I can't help but think there is some underlying reason as to what is keeping this problem in place.

Hi zoe,
you are right about that there is some underlying reason what is keeping this problem in Place...It is the KNOWLEDGE why you got it in the first Place....did not the healer know the reason why you had this sludge??....we allways get our problems so we do harnest the knowledge when we do resolve work....I canĀ“t tell you what to do...but meditate why and if your are ready to hear the real reason you will get it. Good Luck.
