View Full Version : Will there be a book on Kundalini Raising???

26th December 2013, 10:52 AM
Hello Robert,

I was wondering if you were planing on releasing your method of raising kundalini in book form; that way it will be more affordable for me. If you are planning on doing this, could you give an approximate timeline. I simply cannot afford to take your seminars.


EDIT: Just saw an interview you did six months ago in Google with Stephen; you mentioned your book Kundalini Dynamics and the fact that you had not received a satisfactory offer from the publishers. I don't know if this has changed or if perhaps you are planning to self-publish. Any update on this would be welcome.

Robert Bruce
14th January 2014, 09:13 AM
I am still considering this proposal, but have not decided on whether I will publish or self publish, or both. Both is more likely.

The truth is, i could not afford to focus on writing this book, and take my attention from other projects, at the time.

I also wanted to release the program first, to get the bugs out of these teachings. This will make for a better and more experience driven book.

We do offer payment plans and other options for our programs. I may even start taking bitcoin soon.
