View Full Version : The wolf dream

21st December 2013, 08:02 PM
I was asleep one night in bed when suddenly I was jolted awake by a loud SLAP. I nudged my wife into consciousness and said "What was that slapping sound". She said that she'd been having a dream mumbling something about a crowd. At this point we let it go and went back to sleep. Later in the day I enquired as to the content of her dream the night before. My wife said that in the dream she was being confronted by a mob in a clearing of a wood or forest somewhere. The crowd were accusing her of being in league with a wolf (her familiar ?) normally resident in the wood. The ring leader (a man) tries to force my wife deeper into the wood at which point she lashes out with her hand and slaps him sharply across the face. At this moment the dream ended with my digging her in the back demanding to know what the SLAPPING sound was. Other details of the dream are:-

1)The time of day was dusk (not dawn)
2)The mob consisted of approximately 20 mixed sex individuals
3)After the slap the assailant recoils but does not let go.
4)The arrival & presence of the wolf behind my wife was revealed by the changed expression on the assailants face.
5)The wolf leapt at the assailant causing him to let go of my wife.
6)My wife is awakened by my digging her in the back

This is a very strange affair indeed I feel . To hear a sound from another person's dream is a most curious

27th December 2013, 07:19 AM
Awesome : ) You two are very connected.

27th December 2013, 02:50 PM
Although there might be another explanation for that (how was your face that morning?), my husband and I used to have 'shared environment' dreams for a time, but we both awoke with the memory of the dreams when they happened.
Interesting indeed.

28th April 2014, 03:07 AM
Far out! Sounds like you where out of body in the room, perhaps hovering asleep while she (or someone) broadcasted the event, and you remember the most vivid moment the Slap, which sent you rushing back to your body with a jolt.
Perhaps she had a possessive ex bo from years past who is recently deceased and is hounding her (pun intended) and sees you as a threat. :roll: