View Full Version : A lucid dream?

18th December 2013, 11:54 AM
In summary, I had my first lucid dream over a decade ago (I'm 26 now). I've had numerous episodes of waking paralysis, experienced in both my physical body, dream body, and real-time projected double. This is all when I was much younger and did not carry any sort of spiritual practice. My father was the same, he had waking paralysis episodes almost every night to the point where he had trouble sleeping, and it scared him to death. He would always told me he somehow "got control of it". Whenever I would ask him about lucid dreaming, he would always tell me to just "find my hands".

Now for the dream I had last night. I will give you the word for word description of what I wrote in my journal upon awakening. Mind you, I've only been doing meditation and some very beginning level energy work and affirmations to manifest these particular things better. Last night, however, I decided to affirm as I fell asleep, "I do my reality checks" and "I have lucid dreams". Here it is (forgive my grammar, it's literally word for word from the journal so you get the real thing):

I entered the dream lucid and in a car/truck. I knew I was dreaming because I did this weird thing with the clock on the dashboard, and the digits acted weird. There were others with me. We all got out and started walking. The sky had a reddish cloudy look to it, kind of like the look to the sky for a setting sun in Oswego. The messing with the clock was my reality check. The area looked like a quiet suburban area. As I walked, I jumped really high, looking down on the others. They seemed to act like I shouldn't do that. I jumped again. The third jump, I intended to start flying, and I did. I ended up flying over this large, forest like area, except it was all very low brush. Further out there was a massive body of water. At that point I tried to turn around and fly back to my friends, but I fell. I caught myself on this ledge/wall looking thing, on a part where the brush started to occur. I felt my focus weakening, so I inched my way across the ledge. I remember thinking; what if my body somehow got lost in infinity? Wouldn't that be one time too many? I crawled along the ledge, and found a girl sitting, appearing to be finishing a meal of some sort. I felt my focus waning. I tried to get to the other side of the ledge. I asked her something, and I can't remember her response. At this time I turn around to find a midget-like guard dressed in red armor. I must of been off track, because he told me there was a path back, and pointed. He was actually kind. I told him I was trying to find my way back. The dream ended.

A couple things that I recalled after the initial journal entry. First, when I was doing the reality check in the car, now that I think about it, everybody else in the car was doing one too. And instead of me asking "Is this normal?" or "Is this a dream?" when I messed with the clock, I said "This is real", looked at my face, and repeated it. Another thing about the thought about infinity. I've had several dreams, can't really say if they were lucid or not, but I wouldn't exactly be enjoying myself, so I would kind of let myself 'get sucked into infinity' in order to get out of the dream scenario, which is why I asked myself if it was one time too many.

Now, having looked back on the dream, it's hard to tell if I was actually lucid or not. How do I tell if it was actually lucid, or if I was just dreaming of being lucid, know what I mean? What do you think of this dream?

18th December 2013, 01:45 PM
Even though we all recognize that lucidity is a gradient of consciousness, in dream research if you know you're dreaming you're lucid. That's the measuring stick. Yes, there are degrees of awareness within this range, and I think yours (and mine too, I tend to stay in that degree, of knowing this is not necessarily 'regular waking life' but the 'other type of reality') falls somewhere within the 'almost' range, so I would say that we were not lucid, but in 'other' type of awareness.
If you read some of Korpo's and Kurt Leland's posts in these themes, you'll see a variety of interpretations of the scale of lucidity.

18th December 2013, 02:02 PM
Yes, that sounds exactly right! I think my past experience with lucid dreaming/OBE, coupled with my affirmations, may have brought about a rapid manifestation of my intent from my Higher Self. The dream also seems to really be special, now that I look back on it