View Full Version : Raising Vibration

11th December 2013, 10:33 PM
Raising Vibration
All negative types vibrate at lower frequencies. All positive types vibrate at higher frequencies. Fallen Angels are angels that have lost their high frequency. Ascension is raising your frequencies. Angels are everywhere in the celestial dimension. They are invisible in the unseen dimension. The reason why they are invisible because their frequencie resonates at a higher vibration. I call it the double invisible. Angels are everywhere in the celestial dimension. They are the invisibles in the unseen dimension. Meeting Angels half way.. It is when angels lower their vibration half way down and you raise your vibration half way up and create first contact. I have no more night terrors and demons. I got rid of most of my voices only have a fraction left. No more reptilians. I am stuck with sub personalities psychic splintered parts that can be re- integrated. I need to continue raising the vibration until all parts “voices dissolve" or transform into positive voices. Raising vibration is not a quick solution it is for the devoted and long term solution. My strategy is to pray to bless and unlock my throat function 30mins each day for 2 years of the lords prayer. this enhancing the function of the throat and activating. Long term mantra stimulates the throat chakra. The more I raise my vibration the more I can express joy. Joy is manifested as a state of the vibrational frequency. The higher the vibration the more joy can be expressed as energy. The more I am excited the more I raise my vibration. Excitement is a vibration. Excitement is a energy. it takes many years but it's worth it you get spiritual freedom in the long run.. Every time you raise your vibration stuff comes to the surface. And it has to be worked on by healing angels. IT can be a long process. So their is a catch "patients" I have been receiving healing" reiki for 9 years so I have come a long way. I've come to a point where I can see my light body, I can seen without being in trance or the out of body state. When I do physical motion it comes out of my vehicle and when I stop moving it re-enters the body. So I am nearly half way to work with the angels by the proof of seeing the light. Watch what you eat, farm meat lowers your vibration because the animals have been tortured on a cellar level. They also have been given artificial chemicals that lower the vibration to preserve and keep it tasty when it’s rotten. That’s why some meat smells really bad when it’s been cooked. Junk food, Drugs, alcohol, Cigarettes all lower your vibration. Lower emotions like fear hate and victim consciousness all lower the vibration

http://www.social-consciousness.com/2013/10/10-ways-to-raise-your-vibrations.html[/QUOTE] Sure, just do it in the Psychic Self Defense threads.[/QUOTE]

12th December 2013, 06:01 AM
Raising Vibration
All negative types vibrate at lower frequencies. All positive types vibrate at higher frequencies. Fallen Angels are angels that have lost their high frequency. Ascension is raising your frequencies. Angels are everywhere in the celestial dimension. They are invisible in the unseen dimension. The reason why they are invisible because their frequencie resonates at a higher vibration. I call it the double invisible. Angels are everywhere in the celestial dimension. They are the invisibles in the unseen dimension. Meeting Angels half way.. It is when angels lower their vibration half way down and you raise your vibration half way up and create first contact. I have no more night terrors and demons. I got rid of most of my voices only have a fraction left. No more reptilians. I am stuck with sub personalities psychic splintered parts that can be re- integrated. I need to continue raising the vibration until all parts “voices dissolve" or transform into positive voices. Raising vibration is not a quick solution it is for the devoted and long term solution. My strategy is to pray to bless and unlock my throat function 30mins each day for 2 years of the lords prayer. this enhancing the function of the throat and activating. Long term mantra stimulates the throat chakra. The more I raise my vibration the more I can express joy. Joy is manifested as a state of the vibrational frequency. The higher the vibration the more joy can be expressed as energy. The more I am excited the more I raise my vibration. Excitement is a vibration. Excitement is a energy. it takes many years but it's worth it you get spiritual freedom in the long run.. Every time you raise your vibration stuff comes to the surface. And it has to be worked on by healing angels. IT can be a long process. So their is a catch "patients" I have been receiving healing" reiki for 9 years so I have come a long way. I've come to a point where I can see my light body, I can seen without being in trance or the out of body state. When I do physical motion it comes out of my vehicle and when I stop moving it re-enters the body. So I am nearly half way to work with the angels by the proof of seeing the light. Watch what you eat, farm meat lowers your vibration because the animals have been tortured on a cellar level. They also have been given artificial chemicals that lower the vibration to preserve and keep it tasty when it’s rotten. That’s why some meat smells really bad when it’s been cooked. Junk food, Drugs, alcohol, Cigarettes all lower your vibration. Lower emotions like fear hate and victim consciousness all lower the vibration


Sure, just do it in the Psychic Self Defense threads.

Yes, all what is positive will raise the energies, and all beauty will help to feel the deeper joy in heart and soul. Thank you for posting this note.


18th December 2013, 10:16 PM
Unfortunately raising vibration is not for everyone. It's for those who have been healing for many years threw reiki etc

Raising vibration brings what needs to be healed to the surface of your being. That is worked on threw the healing angels

Raising vibration too fast can make your land in psychiatric hospital ward