View Full Version : A few questions related to pain body and psychic self defense

28th November 2013, 04:04 AM
1. Is the pain body a discrete thought form in itself, or is it composed or connected to many smaller negative thought forms, and if the latter is the case, what gives it its apparent unifying will and independence?

2. Is it possible for negative spirits and external and internally created negative thought forms (the intelligent and malicious kind specifically) to merge with, attach to, reprogram, or possess the pain body, and if this is possible, is it common? Would such a thing typically make them harder to remove than with ordinary countermeasures alone, such as earthing and salt baths?

3. Do you have any experience with using orgonite for cleansing and self defense, and if so do you have any recommendations or words of caution concerning its usage?

4. Do negative spirits and thought forms typically have the same capabilities for accumulating energy as humans-- in other words, can they merely pick an energy source such as the sun or power plant, tree or animal and merely proceed to suck as much as they want --perhaps transforming some positive kinds of energies into the negative kind?