View Full Version : Your Afterlife Book

27th November 2013, 02:56 PM
Hello Robert,

You mentioned that you are writing a book on afterlife.When will the book be out?Will it be out by next December?Cant wait for that one...do u also cover the concepts of nirvana/reincarnation/physical immortality/how to become an ascended master in the book?And the key question what is the ultimate aim of the human soul as human beings we are to attain,means which is the most highest aim of the human soul...is it becoming free of rebirth cycle,awakening the kundalini upto a certain level or physical immortality or is it something else?

To me afterlife is still one of the concepts I eagerly want to grasp,so I am eagerly waiting for ur book!!!!



Robert Bruce
11th December 2013, 06:34 AM
I do not know when this book will be ready. I have to wait for the muse... And I have several books underway...and like children they keep jumping up and down to get attention.

There is no ultimate goal or expression of consciousness that I am aware of. Evolution never ends.

The first goal for humans is to attain a level of consciousness and energy that can survive the death and afterlife process intact. And this involves some form of raising kundalini, or major spiritual awakening. It also involves getting to 'know your self' because that is where it is all happening. Everything else is like the scenery you might see looking out of the window of a high speed train.

The journey to enlightenment is walked through doing. You need to actually walk the talk to find the way of the master. You need to remember what you need to know as you walk. This is the way. It is like this. It has always been like this. It will always be like this.

I think physical immortality is possible once Kundalini has been raised and developed, which is a lifetimes work. Meaning, that Raising kundalini reveals a whole new path to walk, and you'll find that you are still in the foothills.

Never forget that the most important thing ever is the journey of life itself. Where you get to and where you came from are unimportant. Live the journey and fill your life full of rich life experience.

peace, robert