View Full Version : Any specific advise about contacting higher self/spirit guides?

26th November 2013, 10:38 AM
I am really starting to get desperate with all this, i have been trying literally almost everything, including your previous advises to me about the psychic defense measures the problem is most of those i CAN do seem to have no effect on reducing the bullying from negative people in my family which makes me think this is a negative karma problem in my family (also unfortunately most of the stronger countermeasures i cannot do them because of my family so most of them are simply not pratical because i can't let them know i believe these things to avoid even more bullying) also in top of all this everytime i trust my intuintion almost all the times it's the opposite thing that was right which caused so much suffering all my life (i already remember having this kind of intuintion since i remember so i think this is probably something from pastlife negative karma) so i don't know what else can i do since i can't afford paying any professional help and it's almost NOTHING works against the kind of intense bullying i suffer at workplace, sometimes i suspect this is psychic vampirism from my own family but even lbrp doesn't seem to do any effect on this, maybe it's psychic cords?

Tell me, WHY is it so HARD to receive advise from higherself or spirit guides?(and no it's not negative thinking i am only saying this after trying several times and seeing it's not working and my confidence on this starting to decline after each try but i was optimistic in the first tries) I already tried this so many times so is there something wrong i am doing ? I am also starting to get tired of doing affirmations (including those you said on psychic self defense) and unless this takes MONTHS of daily repetition to show results i am doing something wrong for sure unless it's negative karma. Also tell me is there a way to know for sure if this is REALLY negative karma or negative entities/spirits?

I am not even sure how to not do affirmations without "parroting" not sure if this is the problem but i don't know how to do affirmations without parroting them, trying to force "emotions" into them is quite hard specially when i am faced daily with douzens of negative situations opposite to what they say. Tell me is there a more powerfull way to "charge" affirmations rather than parroting them in loud voice without having to "fake" emotions? For example, doing some kind of reiki healings in the affirmations or something like that, because "faking" emotions to put in those affirmations is quite hard to me specially when i am constantly suffering from the opposite from what it's said on them it's even harder to do them and BELIEVE in them.

Also have you idea if it is possible that exists some kind of reiki/energy attunement system specifically suited for higherself/spirit guide contact? I ask this since there is SO many systems (and the problem is most of them paid) and most i tried did absolutly nothing in my case.

Robert Bruce
11th December 2013, 06:24 AM
Your troubles are not unique. Everyone has similar problems with connecting with the higher self. It is a silent observer for a reason. Direct contact and conversation would have a massive negative impact on your life path and free will, until such time as you are mature enough to handle it.

The common denominator here is you. There is a reason for this and it relates to your future life path.

You are being bullied because you react to it. You have many 'buttons' and the people being unkind to you are pressing them. But never forget that you 'own' these buttons. They are yours and as such are a part of your psychology. You therefore need to learn how to remove these 'buttons' so that they cannot be pressed. When you do this, all your current enemies will be rendered powerless. This also applies to nonphysical enemies. And, more importantly, you will have grown considerably. Then your future path will reveal itself, and maybe your higher self will draw closer to your consciousness.

please think long and hard on this. You need to learn how to not react to the bullying. When you do this, further bullying will become pointless and 'no fun' for the bullies. Then will then start leaving you alone.

You could run away and move to another state or country. But you would soon attract similar people and end up in a similar situation. The faces change but the situation remains. The only solution to that is to live life as a hermit. But that only serves to stop your spiritual growth and your old life will be waiting when you have had enough of being alone.

Get some help, get some advice, research this....learn your psychology so you understand your self and why you react and why these people are able to bully you.
