View Full Version : Your Support of E.A. Koetting

25th November 2013, 04:20 AM
Hi Robert,

I noticed that you've endorse E.A. Koetting. So I checked out his Youtube channel, and it's full of stuff like summoning demons, an apparent how-to video on robbing graves for human organs to use in necromancy, casting evil curses on people and a video called "Why God Hates You".

Why do you endorse this guy? Sure he radiates an electric power and has kind of a matter-of-fact down to earth approach which I guess resonates with your general style... but really? I wish I hadn't checked out that channel to be honest. :shock:

[A copy of this thread is available for general comment here: http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?16705-%28COPY%29-Your-Support-of-E-A-Koetting ]

Robert Bruce
26th November 2013, 02:40 AM
I was expecting this question at some point.

E.A. is an honorable man with a strong sense of ethics and morality.

He started out on the right hand path (religion) as a child, then switched to the left hand path as a teen, and then later switched to the middle path. His web presence is business oriented and he caters for people on both the left hand path and the middle path.

I know several people with a similar background to E.A., on the middle path, and most eventually get involved in healing and teaching and spiritual cleansing, etc. These are the best people to work with if you have serious psychic attack or possession type problems. They know demons very well and how to get rid of them, often by capturing them or by setting a more powerful demon to remove them. They have no fear of the dark, with fear and ignorance being a serious hurdle when working as a healer in this area. I often refer serious healing cases involving dark forces to him.

I am a great believer of doing what works.

The old saying 'all roads lead to Rome' is very apt here. I learned a long time ago that Angels and Demons are not what they seem, in the sense that humans probably know about 1% concerning spiritual realms and beings. Both angels and demons can be great teachers...and at times the lessons taught are painful.

It is my truth to understand that all these beings, whether they know it or not, all work for the light. I mean, do you think demons and dark entities were created by a separate God or something? Everything in this universe, and all life, dark or light, was created by Source. And there is an essential balance between positive and negative, dark and light, forces and beings in the universe.

Humans, however, tend to go against universal truth in the sense that some belief systems and religions promote black and white thinking (black and white thinking is a psychological disorder) because their dogmas cannot include certain things. So they teach that there is a dark god, Satan, that rules the darkness, and that this must all be shunned. Now, don't get me wrong here. I do not suggest otherwise, as for most people the left hand path can be very destructive. And most need a more comfortable belief system to work within.

I find some practices of the left hand path 'very' distasteful, and some are quite illegal in most countries. But i try not to judge people just because they are different from myself and what is considered 'normal'. This, whether they might be Jewish, Christian, Islamic, Atheist, Pagan, Witches, Ritual Magicians, or whatever.

To be clear here...

The bottom line here is that my path is The Way Of The Master and I strive to take an unbiased view towards everyone, no matter what religion or path they might be on. I take them as they are and do not criticize or judge them because they hold to different beliefs or follow different paths.

peace, robert

26th November 2013, 05:09 AM
Hmmm. The Way of the Master. My inner bees are curious - I googled that phrase up and came up with some stuff I doubt relates to what you're referring to Bruce, and some stuff that maybe is. Are there some authors or sites you would recommend to folks who'd like to learn more?

26th November 2013, 12:28 PM
The Way Of the Master is explained in this forum in other post (I think its in Robert Bruce's Catch Basket article), but I can't remember where to find them at this moment. Perhaps CFT can point the way.

26th November 2013, 01:10 PM
I believe Robert has talked about it somewhere- I will have to do some searching. But take the words as their face value- if you ask me, the masters were the guys that paved the way that religions later took hold of- the masters figured out what worked, or rather, how things are, and their examples are what others followed.
How do you think the Masters figured out what they did?

Robert Bruce
26th November 2013, 03:00 PM
Yes, I explain this in The Catch Basket article.

This is very simple. It is to cleanse your beliefs so that your core beliefs are based on personal experience only.

And then to proceed through personal experience.

Embrace 'open minded skepticism'

And learn how to 'stay in the question'...which means, if you do not have an answer for something that is based on personal experience and things that you know are true, then stay in the question until more information arrives.


26th November 2013, 09:44 PM
Thanks for the in-depth reply, Robert. I suppose I was just taken aback by his vids and had some flashbacks, but your post clarifies your viewpoint well.

I was also raised RHP and then went on the LHP through an organisation called the JOS when I was a teenager and I still have the tattoo. I partook in destruction rituals, tried to evoke/invoke demons etc. Due to extreme disturbances, I later went back to the RHP and would now consider myself a type of Gnostic Christian, but I've got a feeling I'm veering more towards a middle path based on stuff I go through nowadays.

28th November 2013, 05:09 PM
I was expecting this question at some point.

I was wondering that myself actually lol.

I figured you had a good reason to recommend him, although I like your methods better because they are more strait forward and to the point, not saying EA is different or more complicated.