View Full Version : Kundalini Entity Attachment

22nd November 2013, 07:56 PM
Hi Robert,

I really need your advice.

I posted originally here Kundalini Blissful and Terrifying: Entity Attachment (http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?16675-Kundalini-Blissful-and-Terrifying-Entity-Attachment)

I am having some some success with light therapy. As you suggested, strong exposure to sunlight and flashlights are helpful. I use a strong bike light (170 lumens) to the abdomen and exposure to the sun on sunny days. It has built some kind of apparatus in there.

I've had two sessions with two really gifted people specializing in removing attachments. Both found a couple of parasites but not the main attachment. But is it real.

What might be the reasons that they can't see it?
Could you recommend someone skilled at finding this?
Or, do you feel pretty confident that I can really drain this thing out.

It has begun to make tight restrictions around the heart area at times. I can feel where it is and it's movements. I'm not completely frightened but I'm cautious that it doesn't escalate.

By the way I totally support Kundalini.


Robert Bruce
24th November 2013, 05:32 AM
I hope you got a copy of my book,, The Practical Psychic Self Defense Handbook


You need to use a collection of countermeasures and not rely on just one. Mega salt baths, light, incense, core affirmations, core image work, electrical earthing, etc, etc, etc.

Some entities are impossible to see, because when you get into a situation that might be risky for them, they just leave and come back later. You can't see anything that is not there.

Anyone that guarantees they can see or remove any attachment is not being truthful...as you will discover. This is more about the ego and business than it is about reality.

If you want a recommendation msg CFTraveller and I'll connect you.


24th November 2013, 05:10 PM
Hi Robert,

Yes! I got a copy of your book "The Practical Psychic Self Defense Handbook". That's what gave me some creative ideas using lights and what lead me here in an indirect way. The lights were the first thing that had an immediate effect, especially a strong one.

I've been doing the salt baths, powerful affirmations, incense, core image, eating a lot less, etc... At night it expands, creating presence and starts pulling my fifth and sixth chakra so I wear a crystal over my forehead secured with a headband and a small piece of black tamourline over a layer of tin foil which is under a cap to sleep. It's getting bizarre.

"...they just leave and come back later."
OK. That did not occur to me. When I end a conversation with someone it found threatening, it shows back up in a surprise attack flashing something in my visual field or trying to tip my body forward as if to say "Look, they didn't find me". It's shocking how it can connect to your nervous system.

I can't tell you how great it feels to speak to people who really know about this. I'll try just about anything at this point as it's interfering with work. I would like to be the only thinker in my head.

I may have a couple of more questions. Thank you very much for your invaluable book and support. I will be contacting CFTraveler.


Robert Bruce
11th December 2013, 06:01 AM
I am in contact with you, so I'll close this thread after this.

Apart from all that is in my book on this topic, i recommend dietary disciplines be implemented. This is a great diagnostic and what happens when you do this will tell you a lot.

Fasting and juice feasting, etc, is 99% mental and requires willpower to succeed in warding off the influences of your own ego body mind to eat according to your natural inclinations, which might be pizza and beer. This kind of disciplines reveals the ego and allows you to confront it. This is not easy, and can be brutally difficult, but it is invaluable training.

Keep in mind here that breaking free of dark force entities also involves a 99% mental battle.

Discipline your own ego body mind and you will find it much easier to fight off darker things.

Dark force entities work through the ego body mind, what Eckhart Tolle calls 'the pain body' and if you are familiar with his works, he has discussed how the pain body will sometimes take on a life of its own, and it will even attack its host. Whether this is just a way of dealing with dark force entities without mentioning them is another thing. This is not a popular topic to say the least.

I have had a lot of success with this approach.

if you are new to dietary discipline, start out with a two day juice feast using green smoothies. Google 'green smoothie recipes' and find something you like. Once you have done this several times, say for several weekends, then extend it to a whole week. When you can succeed at this, try this on juice rather than smoothies. Then try a two day fast on water only, and so on.

Note, if you take mediation you cannot stop, do not try fasting on water alone without first consulting your medical doctor.

Anyone of reasonable health that does not take medication they cannot stop taking can fast on water for five days with no problem. Beyond this, you need to do some research so you know what you are doing. Or, find a fasting clinic where you can do this, say a month on water, under medical supervision.

I just finished a 28 day fast on water and am feeling 'great'!. I enjoyed this so much that I am continuing with 2.5 days per week on water only. You need a break of a few months between longer fasts. I'll probably do another month water fast in April.

The reason I am sharing the above is to show that i am not just talking out of a book...these are things I do myself, and have been doing for decades.
