View Full Version : What is your current best way to get to the heavens?

20th November 2013, 08:03 PM
What is your current best way to project to the heavens?

Robert Bruce
22nd November 2013, 01:28 AM
I do this through clairvoyance, through minds eye imagery during meditation.

I get into an altered state where I have astral sight, and then tune into higher realms. Once I 'see' something I like, I just 'shift' there with an act of will and a bit of body awareness movement...feeling myself moving into what I see. There are ways to do this same thing during OBE, and even during Lucid Dreaming (mental projection) but the way I do it now is a lot easier and more efficient.


25th November 2013, 01:41 AM
What is your method to project to the heavens during lucid dreaming?

Robert Bruce
11th December 2013, 06:02 AM
I make commands, or I use clairvoyance. By the latter, i mean that I have a vision and then shift into it.
