View Full Version : third eye discharge

17th November 2013, 03:25 PM
hey Rob

I don't know if you remember but a few years ago I took your PAPI, course and had good success with it, I made a post a day before I watched a video you had about seeing a flash of light during the AP process. You mentioned this is a third eye discharge.

last night, on 11/16/13 I was attempting to do the AP process for the first time in a while, Work and all that :<, but as I just started doing the navel energy storage and the AP exiting technique. I had a Third eye Discharge, it gave me that same feeling of something touched or hit me feeling, although I remembered what it was.

My question is, what is actually happening when we discharge in this way? is there any benefit or side effect? is this a sign of psychic growth and development? what happens to the energy our third eye is dispensing? do the other energy centers discharge is well and if so how do we know when they are?


Robert Bruce
20th November 2013, 01:58 PM

This is a Chakra 'stobe' and not a discharge per se.

All chakras can strobe independently.

This is a kundalini level of activity, although a chakra can strobe independently and separate from any other kundalini activity.

A brilliant white light explosion in the minds eye is most common. It usually comes with a feeling of mild concussion over the facial area, as if you've been hit with a pillow but without the actual hitting part.

This is a very good sign as it means your third eye is functioning at a high level, and this indicates that you have potential for OBE, clairvoyance, and other psychic skills related to that chakra.

If the brow strobes 'purple' then this will release artistic abilities, musical, anything artistic.

A chakra strobe in third eye also indicates that you will likely have an easy exit through the brow area. You will either get a tube or tunnel type exit, or just shift out of body. You may or may not get vibrations and other symptoms when this happens.

Each chakra can strobe independently, or in groups. If the base chakra strobes, this usually heralds kundalini is rising.

The new program 'Raising Kundalini' we are releasing next month explains all this in detail.

peace, robert

20th November 2013, 04:35 PM
you know, once when I was jogging at night I did see everything flash in a purple glow. it was like someone had a giant purple light and it lit of everything.

if my Third eye is working at a high level, should I spend less or no time doing NEW on it or is there something I can do to 'advance' it's development?

I'm fairly cure that there really is no stopping point for spiritual development

Robert Bruce
21st November 2013, 01:06 PM
Keep doing regular work on all your chakras.

The best way to go from here is using affirmations, particularly spoken aloud, to fine tune the direction you are heading in. This should be in line with your natural interests and talents.

So, if you wanted to develop clairvoyance, you would say 'I am clairvoyant. I see energy. I see spirits. I have visions' and similar.


18th January 2014, 10:19 PM
Hey Rob

I've been working more on my chakras, the lower one more so then the higher ones, especially the root.

I've noticed that when I start my NEW sessions or do some of the exit techniques, I have a third eye strobe. I'm not feeling the sensations as strongly as I was but I can tell it's strobeing.

the strobes are even acting or appearing in different ways, one strobe happened like from the bottom of my sight and filled up to the top.

also I've been seeing more energy activity in my perriferial vision, like tadpoles of energy swiming around the air or tiny vortexes.

also, maybe a dumb question but, the Moon does have a aura right?

thank you

Robert Bruce
12th February 2014, 01:02 PM
These things indicate that you are becoming more strongly clairvoyant. You will get a lot of peculiar effects if you keep up the work. These are all good signs, and, absolutely fascinating.

*if the strobes start to speed up, with many happening a second apart and faster, this is the buildup of the vision screen.

Planets and moons have auras, yes.

Keep smiling....pretend you know what you are doing. Sage advice from a mystic.

peace, robert

12th February 2014, 03:33 PM
*if the strobes start to speed up, with many happening a second apart and faster, this is the buildup of the vision screen.

Something has been happening lately. when I do the exit techquies mainly. I do the one where you feel your self lefting up and out then back in and down below your body. When I do this I can feel a strobe effect.

the thing I see when I do this is different thought, it's like a blank screen and at the four corners I see white that seems to form a black circle in the center of it.

I'm glad I'm making progress

Robert Bruce
18th February 2014, 10:34 AM
Try projecting directly from your brow chakra. And also try this directly from your crown chakra.

For the brow...ignore the rest of your body and 'imagine and feel' yourself moving out through the brow. Imagine the ceiling above you is moving closer, and feel yourself moving closer to this.

I just tried this and it works.

This will be particularly effective if your brow and or crown chakras are more active, as is your case.
