View Full Version : Growing taller

17th November 2013, 04:05 AM
Hello all,

I've been reading this forum (and other related ones that relate to astral projection, parapsychology, etc) with great interest, and have been working on astral projection myself.

Long story short, I am 23 years old, currently 5'9"-5'10" and want to be 6'2". I've seen many instances, in controlled studies, detailed case studies, and anecdotes from lay people, where great physiological changes were made through various modalities of mind-matter interaction, so I was wondering, why wouldn't growing taller be possible?

I've also noticed that healers and other psi workers work better and exhibit more potent powers under relaxed conditions. Since growing someone taller is much less stressful work than curing someone dying from cancer, I thought it might be an interesting activity some people might like to give a try. I don't mean to take away time needed for healing of people who actually need dire help, but I still think it could be a worthwhile project to spend some time on. If it's successful, I'll post the results from a physical as well to show that it has.


17th November 2013, 04:49 PM
Well, as far as I know stimulation of the pituitary gland is what causes 'beyond preprogrammed growth'. I wonder if energy work would be useful for this, if someone wanted to try it. I really wouldn't advise any other method, though.

17th November 2013, 05:05 PM
I don't know about specifically trying to stimulate the gland, but simply sending energy to grow taller, without worrying about the exact biochemical means, could help I think; it seems to be the way energy healing works for everything else.

Any takers?

17th November 2013, 06:50 PM
I don't know about specifically trying to stimulate the gland, but simply sending energy to grow taller, without worrying about the exact biochemical means

I love your sane , calculated, logical approach. (sorry couldn't resist):tongue:

17th November 2013, 07:01 PM
I love your sane , calculated, logical approach. (sorry couldn't resist):tongue:

Although if we did have to worry about it, I guess I would first have the growth plates unfuse by having whatever reaction it is that fuses them go in the reverse direction, and then produce growth hormones.

18th November 2013, 12:24 AM

Although if we did have to worry aAbout it, I guess I would first have the growth plates unfuse by having whatever reaction it is that fuses them go in the reverse directeeeeion, and then produce growth hormones.

the process you are refrencing to is called Epiphyseal Closure , it occurs post pubertile growth spurt.
Any growth after long bone fusion in adults does not result in vertical height but in a condition called acromegaly.

18th November 2013, 12:47 AM
Any growth after long bone fusion in adults does not result in vertical height but in a condition called acromegaly.
This is true. That's why I'm suggesting that if anyone wishes to try this experiment on me, they should forget about growth plates and growth hormones and such, and just send me the intention and energy for me to grow taller. I've read anecdotal (and not too unreliable) reports about these techniques working, so why not?

18th November 2013, 01:55 AM
Good like with that :) Exactly what is your intention by the way? I personally think 5' 9" is a good height. Maybe you might also want to learn what magic and other intentions are before you go straight into trying to change your height. Murphy's law: If Something goes wrong, it will.

29th November 2013, 03:45 AM
Good like with that :) Maybe you might also want to learn what magic and other intentions are before you go straight into trying to change your height. Murphy's law: If Something goes wrong, it will.

Good idea. I used to think the town where I live would be just perfect without the paper mills. They are so stinky. Then I lost my sense of smell completely for a long time. Not quite the mechanism I was looking for, but it had the same effect.

29th November 2013, 03:49 PM
Well, as far as I know stimulation of the pituitary gland is what causes 'beyond preprogrammed growth'. I wonder if energy work would be useful for this, if someone wanted to try it. I really wouldn't advise any other method, though.

As I have mentioned before, I was a standing member in a Kriya meditation 'society'. One of our most potent meditations involved concentrating on the pituitary - bringing the 'light' into it and letting that energy build before throwing the energy back over the corpus callosum and transmitting it to the pineal.

So. Over the years, I never noticed anyone growing taller and feel safe in saying that did not happen in adults. As for the youngsters - they're growing anyway. No conclusion there.

I will add, however, that at 5'6" I have always admired and been a little envious of tall people. Being short has its advantages though - beds are always long enough, chandeliers are always high enough, furniture is big and comfy, shoes last longer, I'm just the right size for my Mini, etc.

Strangely, perhaps, I have always found tall women to be very attractive.

But there is no sense in arguing the benefits of being tall!

As for me, no violins here for somebody 5'10". :-D

12th January 2014, 10:18 PM
I had an internet friend who claimed he had lenthened his legs by an inch and a half by doing "weighted kicks" while training for martial arts. Years ago when I had an interest in hypnotism I also read a strange story where someone claimed to have hypnotised this farmer in his early 20s who was scared to grow up, after curing him the guy was meant to have grown 5 ins overnight. utter unproved anecdotes both of course,

15th May 2019, 08:11 PM
I think this is a pretty cool idea if it's possible, if people can send someone growing-taller energy to make him grow taller, without having to worry about the exact chemical or physical details, and when he's 6 ft he says "a wow I'm 6 foot tall now", and when he's 6 ft 6 he says "I'm tall enough thanks, you can stop now", and when he's 7 ft tall he says "I'm getting a bit too tall now, could you stop please?", and when he's 8 ft tall he says "please stop", but the magicians just say "be careful what u wish for lol", and when he's 9 ft tall he says "fine I'm a giant all ready let's just see how tall you can make me", and the magicians start thinking about the physical changes necessary and they change his nerves so that he can feel his feet and walk around fine without needing crutches, and eventually he's so big that his brain feels soon to start feeling uncomfortable under its own weight, so they stop growing his head and just keep growing the rest of him, and when people ask him how he became a giant he says "magic", and people say "really?", and he says "yes", and the magicians responsible show themselves and everyone says "wow that's interesting, I has assumed that was impossible".

15th May 2019, 09:09 PM
One's ego assumes one's natural form - divine is a natural word - I have been one to interpret faith this way. My eyes used to look all angry and sad, then I cared about them. They are usually diamond-like they should be, now. The key is to ascertain what of the form needs reproving. It is not so important to know how, for that love has the ways it needs.

This also is why I don't think ego has to be a "bad word" - it does do something, if you let it, connect you with the universe as life sees itself... positively.

EDIT: As well - it is only natural to care about how you look. It is not narcissim, it prevents narcissism. Narcism is when you care about that in others.

17th May 2019, 08:04 PM
Spiritualised humans are default 40% nature, 60% nurture ("light/love").
Ordinary folks stick with 60% nature, 40% nurture ("love/light").

Understanding both sides of the coin is called grace.

12th January 2020, 10:19 AM
How to become more than 60% nurture? And how to exceed the default 100% overall?

13th January 2020, 10:16 AM
I also wonder how glucose is related to this topic of nurturing, as it is said that glucose is a fundamental source of energy in the organism. Glucose is a result of photosynthesis (a synthesis between atoms and sunlight, or in other words between yin and yang). I think it is a key question here, as body strongly seems to rely on glucose.

Can we decrease amount of glucose needed for the body? Replace it with the direct light and qi / prana nourishment (instead of indirect photosynthesis process with combination of oxygen)?

It is interesting to note what traditional chinese medicine (TCM) says here, combining the pancreas with Earth element and sweet taste (glucose is referenced to this taste). Its role, along with stomach and spleen, is in TCM more important than the western medicine suggests, stating mainly about insulin involved in the digestion process. Glucose is also said to be a main fuel to brain (brain is related to Air element, and oxygen atoms plays a big role in the processing glucose; brain is absent in TCM medical theory). However, spleen is referenced in TCM as a source of thoughts. Of course this means that oxygen, photosynthesis, and the Earth-related organs are directly related to brain, the nervous system and mental functions of the body. Glucose as a quality (not just molecules as presented by science) with its relation to the sunlight and oxygen seems to maintain the most important functions of the design which human body is.