View Full Version : Can energy work and meditation help eliminate a minor neg?

14th November 2013, 04:38 PM
Hi Robert,

My name is Justin. I have both the first and second editions of Astral Dynamics, MAP, and the first edition of Energy Work, so I am well-versed with your work. I'm very thankful for it, and I'm saving up to have a personal e-consultation with you so I can get a more solid game plan to my spiritual development. However, there's one thing pressing on my mind that can't wait.

I consider myself to be a positive person, however I will VERY occasionally have very nasty thoughts, either in word form or in my mind's eye. If it's a mind's eye thought, it will cause a quick but extreme tightness in my solar plexus center and/or my heart center. It scares me, and I know well-enough to stop it which I'm able to do. This negativity seems to manifest with me having certain control issues, and cause much anxiety. I will more often than not take this out on my wife, and I have honestly almost lost my marriage because of it. My Father has always told me that every family has specific types of demons that affect them that must be overcome, and I'm afraid that this may what I'm dealing with

How do I know whether or not this is the result of a neg attack, or simply a defect of character? Regardless, I want to address it. Thank you so much for all your books, I've studied a plethora of different works regarding spirituality since I was 14 and yours is by far the greatest!

- Much Love,

Robert Bruce
22nd November 2013, 01:53 AM
Your father is a wise man, my friend....

This is likely a family hereditary attachment. It is possible that your father, or other family members, have had the same thing.

The solution here is to first realize what is happening, and then take action to rectify things.

One of the best ways to address this is through willpower training. For this, I recommend various types of fasting and juice feasting. Do some research on this. For example, start with a one day juice feast, where you take nothing but fresh juices (mainly green with minimal fruit). Google 'the green smoothie challenge'.

When you can do this, increase to three or 5 days. Then, do two to four weeks.

Then, do some fasting on just water. Do some research on this. Start with one day, then do three, and then five.

Note, you cannot water fast if you are taking medications that you cannot stop. However, if you are diabetic type 2, this can be done if you closely monitor your blood sugar, as your blood sugar will be normal after a day on water, and stay that way for the duration of a fast. When you start eating again, closely monitor your blood sugar and resume medication as necessary.

If you can't water fast, work on juice feasting.

Fasting and juice feasting provides valuable willpower training. And during these days, you will be confronted by your ego, and any other aspects or spirits that are inhabiting that area of your collection (you are a collective). By forcing yourself to do this, you'll find that you will steadily gain control over your other aspects. During this process, you will be able to overpower any negative aspects in yourself, and you will spiritually grow as a result, as a human being

It would also help if you saw a loving psychologist and got some counseling for anger management and etc. This will help enormously and give you the support you need.

It will also help if you communicate this to your wife and get her to help you. Some marriage guidance would also help.

I suggest you get a copy of my book, The Practical Psychic Self-Defense Handbook, as you will find this invaluable, and the countermeasures, like the mega salt bath, most helpful for your situation.


28th November 2013, 05:37 PM
Thanks for your advice Robert, I'm very grateful!