View Full Version : Robert in EA Koetting Interview

8th November 2013, 09:03 PM
Hello Robert. I recall reading that you were entering people's bodies while astral traveling! What the heck?

Robert Bruce
22nd November 2013, 01:40 AM
This is possible, and yes it does relate to overshadowing and even possession. If you do this, it gives you a lot of firsthand experience with how this is done. If you are working against neg invasions, this knowledge and experience is invaluable....knowing what happens on the other side of the coin.

Many years ago, I was doing a lot of experiments and exploring Real Time OBE. One day, while floating through a busy mass, I accidentally slipped into a woman in passing. This was to say the least, fascinating. And it did no harm.

I repeated this the next time, to see if it was actually doable, and it worked again.

I continued this line of exploration for several months, always with complete strangers because that way I would not see anything I was not supposed to see from family and friends. With strangers, everything was meaningless in that sense.

After these experiments, I now only do this for the purpose of healing and helping people. Note that I do not do this on request, as I keep my own council on such matters and only do it if I think it is necessary. Most of the time, when this happens, it is beyond my control as I am led into situations like this by my higher self. Meaning, that during an OBE or meditation, my higher self shifts me to someone, or into someone, living or deceased. This can happen to teach me something, or to help the person in some way, or both.

I can hear the critics already 'gasp...this is so unethical, it is evil, so politically uncorrect' but the truth of the matter is that this kind of thing is beyond ethics and morals. There are no actual rules and regulations in the greater reality.

I also occasionally do this with animals, as its the best way to communicate with them. This can be done during an altered state with no actual OBE exit being necessary.


22nd November 2013, 06:55 AM
I had been talking with a friend on EA Koetting's forum who had talked about the benefits of Demonic possession. To learn hands on how to possess. I had even discussed the use of doing it for stronger exorcism or getting myself out of the situation. I want to know how did you get out of the bodies after that? If you entered and someone were to wake up your physical body, would you snap back there? EA Koetting also said it himself that Demon Possession would give me lots more information as well. Would it be ethical to learn possession this way?

Robert Bruce
23rd November 2013, 10:45 AM
Getting out of these bodies was very easy. I just slipped in and slipped out when I wanted to.

I found that most people were easy to get into in this way, but that some people had strong natural shielding that prevented this... probably 10% of people were like this.

In order to undertake what you suggest, experiencing voluntary possession, you would have a lot of groundwork to do before you could consider doing anything like this. There is a lot to learn if you want to become a ritual magician


I had been talking with a friend on EA Koetting's forum who had talked about the benefits of Demonic possession. To learn hands on how to possess. I had even discussed the use of doing it for stronger exorcism or getting myself out of the situation. I want to know how did you get out of the bodies after that? If you entered and someone were to wake up your physical body, would you snap back there? EA Koetting also said it himself that Demon Possession would give me lots more information as well. Would it be ethical to learn possession this way?

11th December 2013, 05:01 AM
The best way to go from here is using affirmations, particularly spoken aloud, to fine tune the direction you are heading in. This should be in line with your natural interests and talents.

Robert Bruce
11th December 2013, 05:46 AM
For the record, I do not and have never recommended that people experiment with voluntary demonic possession. I do, however, understand why some magicians on the left hand or middle paths would want do do this. It is not my place to judge any spiritual or religious practices. I find many of the practices involved in the left hand path distasteful to say the least, but, as the saying goes, everyone to his own.

In my experience, I have found many magicians on the left hand or middle paths to be most helpful and caring individuals with a strong sense of ethics and morals, and a wealth of information concerning dark force entities and demons, which as a healer that often encounters dark force entities is invaluable.
