View Full Version : Energy waves or something?

8th November 2013, 07:04 AM
To get straight to the matter, when I sit down to do my energy work I always have my eyes open as it makes it easier for me to do target the areas I want to stimulate. And most often I start to gaze with my eyes instead of staring at something and what happens then is that in my field of vision there's these waves of color or light that flows smoothly by. The waves mostly come from below in my field of vision and goes upward, very smootly and pretty slow. They can also go from side to side or sometimes the seem to just go wherever. The color is more like that of a negative color image. Example here (http://regex.info/i/JEF_056210nc.jpg). So in my vision the colors change from light to dark, like in a negative, and these waves flows around.
To add to this, when doing MAP a year ago I also saw purple mandala-like patterns together with the above.
Could this be my aura, or is this some other form of energy, or is this simply physical?

Robert Bruce
13th November 2013, 12:41 AM
These waves are picked up by the third eye...the brow chakra. They can also be produced by this chakra.

This is an open eyed form of meditation.

Some of what you see will be optical illusions.

But you can only use your eyes to help with energy work on some parts of your body. The spine, for example, is more difficult in this respect because you cannot look at it. Its the same with the head, etc.

All this is quite normal.
