View Full Version : Why did the Neg cross the running water?

6th November 2013, 01:52 PM
(Pun intended)

If a person is the cause of a new neg attack on oneself, and there is running water between you and the person in the first place, would it not stand to reason that the neg cannot be removed by crossing water, since it had to cross water in the first place to reach oneself?

If the attacking person has spiritual DNA of oneself, and invokes a full pox, then it makes sense that a neg does not have to cross linear space to reach the victim. However, for general (subconscious) anger and fantasies of ill-wishing by an attacker, without a direct link to oneself, why would a neg suddenly be stopped by a victim crossing running water if the neg had to cross running water in the first place to reach the victim?

It makes sense that a neg would be 'absorbed' (grounded) by running water, and sort of disappear, but according to your book the neg lingers in full capacity on the other side of the water, ready to abuse the victim again if he/she re-enters the affected area. So if a neg attack has been established 'outside' of space-time, where grounding interferences between attacker and victim is circumvented, would the attack then not persist 'outside' of space-time if the neg is not 'absorbed' into the running water?

Robert Bruce
13th November 2013, 12:37 AM
This is correct, that negs will project instantly to a victim when sent by an attacker, thereby bypassing any running water between.

The more intelligent negs have many ways of working around running water. But no neg will willingly expose itself directly to running water....unless it is a water spirit, but problems like this are quite rare and limited to areas containing natural water.

99.9% of troublesome negs are earth element beings, or earth bound entities.

Negs hitch hike with other humans and animals in order to cross running water. And if you get into a shower or walk into a stream, the neg simply detaches and waits for you to return...or it will find another way back to wherever you might be.

The art of using running water as an effective countermeasure involves being smart and trapping the neg in a no win situation.

For example, you have twenty yards of old garden hose coiled up next to the tap, with no running water present. You stand on this with your feet amongst the hose coils, and then turn on the water. The neg is now trapped into being exposed to the running water energies. Stay there for a few minutes or so until you feel better and the neg will be drained or completely demanifested.

You need to use trickery to accomplish this. For example, you set up the hose earlier and then put it out of your mind. Then, when the neg is present, you fill your mind with the idea of doing something near the hose, but without thinking of using it. You plan to clean the window next to it. Then, you stand on the hose and quickly turn on the water.

Use your imagination and try different ways of doing this.

Sleeping electrically earthed is also highly recommended, as this provides long term exposure that will drain a neg into the planet, and also protect you during sleep. You can buy products like earthed bedsheets, etc, fairly cheaply.
