View Full Version : I'm looking for a specific Robert Bruce product

31st October 2013, 09:45 PM
Hey Everyone!

I Bought the course Astral Projection Mastery, it is a very good video course, the only problem or me is that I don't understand very well Bruce accent and also instructions aren't written so its kind of difficult for me.

I then bought Mastering Astral Projection and as you know that book is 90 day program...

Me being an avide reader I'd like a book or a source of information which tells you what to do without waiting for days, for example... Energy work, do this and this, physical relaxation.... this and this and so on... and then it tells you the full procedure for a full astral projection attempt...

More like Astral Projection Mastery but not in a video format...

Any ideas?

Thank you guys!

31st October 2013, 10:29 PM
You can skip ahead to the middle of the MAP book, but you won't get the practice necessary in each of the exercises.
But it will give you a list of things to do.

1st November 2013, 10:40 AM
You can skip ahead to the middle of the MAP book, but you won't get the practice necessary in each of the exercises.
But it will give you a list of things to do.

Thanks for the Info traveler, what about Astral Dynamics? Is it worth to get even if Ihave MAP?

1st November 2013, 01:08 PM
Astral dynamics is a very informative book, and the new edition goes point by point describing the different things you can do and what they're for- but you just said you want something immediate in list form- and AD is not like that. If you want to see how AD is set up take a 'look inside' it in Amazon.com, and decide whether it's what you're looking for.

Jaxon Pescott
27th December 2013, 10:12 AM
What is the source to access the course of Astral Projection Mastery? I am also interested to purchase it and It tried my best but not got success to find the exact source. I will be happy to find quick response from your side.

27th December 2013, 02:29 PM
Go to the Astraldynamics.com site, which is Robert's commercial site (where the pay programs are located) and you will find it in the products page.
Here is a link to the specific page there: