View Full Version : Seeing and Excitement

28th October 2013, 04:55 PM
Good Day,

I was wondering if anyone can offer some recommendation to assist me in progressing further.
I am unsure if it is just lack of experience and too much excitement, or if there is something else I can do to help my experience expand.

I have been able to roll out at times, but the majority of the times, I cannot see. My primary goal when I roll out is to get far enough away from my physical body to attempt to see but I believe my excitement gets the best of me and before I know it, POP, I'm back.

For example, today has been the first day in months that I was able to successfully roll out. When I had the full sensation that I was out, I stood up but I could not see, I started walking through the wall outside. As soon as I was outside the house, I could feel the heat of the sun, I could hear the sound of the traffic, but I still could not see, albeit, still not too far from my physical body either.

I tried to fly (my favorite thing to do) but then I started thinking, I still can't see, but I'm out.. Yeah!!! And, POP, I'm back in my physical body again :banghead:

Do I just need more experience or is there some direction experienced members can provide me.

Thank you all

28th October 2013, 09:01 PM
That's a bit tricky. I have one question- why do you walk?
That you are going back to physical ways of interacting with the world (getting up and walking, as if you had a physical body) may have something to do with it- when you roll out, simply direct yourself out with your will, and see if the feeling of gliding away makes a difference in your perception- also, if you feel like you have a body, then use your sense of touch to get around- feel for walls, for ceilings, etc, and see if that triggers the sense of being 'radar' and makes vision kick on.
Many people say to ask for sight/light loudly- it never works for me, and IMO goes back to the sense of 'body perception)- but you might try it.
The sense of excitement about 'having done it' is a sure fire way of getting you back in your body, which is why Robert always says to get all excited about it as soon as you're ready to go back- it does help with recall.

29th October 2013, 12:43 AM
Hi CFTraveler,

You make a good point. I don't know why I walk, but when I roll out and I cannot see, I walk, and trying to feel things until I get outside then try to fly.

I don't know why I just don't try to float as soon as I acknowledge I am out. I will try that next time I am able to successfully escape :)

There has been only 3 or 4 times that I consciously remember being out and I could see and I was in a completely different place, those experiences lasted a few minutes, again before I became excited and came back.

I will try to change my approach and try your recommendation regarding floating as appose to walking.

Thank you for that feedback I appreciate it :)

29th October 2013, 03:46 PM
There has been only 3 or 4 times that I consciously remember being out and I could see and I was in a completely different place, those experiences lasted a few minutes, again before I became excited and came back. You're shifting into an astral landscape, as opposed to having a real time zone OBE. Maybe you're a natural phaser.

7th November 2013, 04:55 PM
Hi CFTraveler,

I think I realized something today on my very, very short venture out.

I became aware in a dream and thought this was a great time to go obe, found myself back on my couch, then rolled out. Instead of walking around like before, I just thought to float up, like recommended. And I did, as I was floating though I could feel energy buzzing through my body, as I was going upwards it was like I was being lifted instead of having control over my movements. Seem different as most times I have control over where I am going. As I was being lifted, I could start seeing the ceiling, but in my mind I thought I was opening my physical eyes, so I shut them for fear I was going to snap back to my body, and as I was thinking about shutting my eyes close, I was brought gently back down to rest on the couch...

So here's the thing.

I wonder if all the other times I kept thinking I was opening my physical eyes, it was not the case.

Because this time, even though I could start seeing the ceiling, my physical body was completely under a blanket, including my head, so I could not possibly see the ceiling.

So I think I have to work on my perception of this all. I think I am actually making it worse for myself by having the fear not having enough time to explore and that's why my explorations out have been so very short with me thinking I'm opening my physical eyes or getting over excited I'm finally out LOL, ah.. oh well.

Any other recommendations you have I would appreciate it.

Thank you for your help. :P

7th November 2013, 05:01 PM
I would say, focus on what you see as opposed to what you feel. If you see the ceiling, study it intensely, and you will find yourself being drawn to it. If at any time you feel that you're going to snap out of it, simply focus on what you can see/feel/hear- and the interest in your surroundings will help you stay out.

27th April 2016, 01:46 AM
I don't know why I just don't try to float as soon as I acknowledge I am out. I will try that next time I am able to successfully escape :)

Hi there Astralvirgo!

I have a question for you and I hope you can help me a little bit here. I read this sentence of yours and I just need to ask that question.
How do you know you are out and can walk, or float around? How long does it usually take for you and do you need to sleep before you can do it?
Or do you do it from waking consciousness?
Why I am asking these questions? Because I am still not able to get out or mess it up, I am not even sure...

I close my eyes and focus on breathing, then after a while I bounce my awareness through my body and start feeling energetic sensations such as extreme strong
sparkling energy discharges in my chest which feels literally like sparkles on my chest! I sometimes feel a strong shift in my head like a sudden shake left and right.
I also sometimes feel as if I begin to see something but am feeling I am actually opening my eyes. But I have never had the feeling that I am out of body and if I was
then I literally messed it up by not moving somehow. How do you know when you are out and can move around even without seeing anything?

bets wishes,