View Full Version : Before I leave

21st October 2013, 09:02 PM
Hello Robert. I would like to leave the earth soon. I do not want to leave before having a kundalini raising. I plan (if they let me) to just leave my body during the full raise. I also want to leave my personal narrative of my book out here on the forum as well as some other places. This is the worst case scenario for me if I fail myself soon. I can't seem to focus on anything besides meditation and the occult. I can't leave it. I can focus a bit on schoolwork, then all of a sudden I am drawn into a book on the occult or meditation and stuff. I can't really handle anything.

Robert Bruce
13th November 2013, 12:21 AM
In order for you to accomplish this, you will need to undertake significant inner work and self discipline. This will include getting yourself better organized, dietary disciplines, fasting, juice feasting, long session work, etc.

As you continue your journey, you'll find that your ability to cope with life and achieve your goals will change for the better.

So forget about making choices like this and just get into the work and do what is necessary.

You can use your educational work as a self discipline practice.

This will in turn help your magical and spiritual pursuits.

And when you raise Kundalini, everything will change. Some things will become more difficult, and some things will become easier. Its a whole new path of development.
