View Full Version : Second encounter with the Dragon!

Neil Templar
14th October 2013, 11:08 AM
Back in 2008, i posted this experience with a not-yet-matured Dragon -

This morning, i encountered it once more. :D

I was inside my house, which was situated in the usual place - in the park by my childhood home.
I was inside, talking with some familiar folk, yet they were unknown in this lifetime.
As we talked, i looked out the window, and saw a very dense, dark plume of smoke in the air, like someone had lit a fire in the field by the park, and was burning some seriously heavy matter!
As i watched the smoke plume, it moved closer and closer to the house... billowing in an unbroken undulating column, reminding me of the way a snake moves... it was so close now i could see that it wasn't just smoke but a heavy plume of ash!

The column collided with the roof of the house, a scraping sound was heard as it moved across the surface of the roof. The windows shook as the lower part of the plume connected with them. I expected them to smash, but they were sound.

I ran out side to see what was causing this ash cloud to behave this way...
As i looked up i saw an amazing sight..
A huge Dragon was snaking it's way into the sky, the entire length of it's body was being run over the roof of my house as it went. It was the most beautiful magical creature i have ever seen!
Dark blue upon first look, but as my eyes moved from head to tail, i saw reds, yellows, orange and green. It seemed to change with every glance. I was so excited. i knew this was the Dragon i'd met years back, who'd promised i would see it again when it was matured.

Other people were in the park, all looking skyward at this amazing event.
I started cheering, jumping in the air with joy!
All too quickly the Dragon made it's way higher and further away, it went behind a large wooded area on the hills, and disappeared out of sight. I was yelling "Dragon! Dragon!", with pure joy, and also a little hope that it might want to come back to communicate, but that wasn't to be this time.

I had to go and share what had happened with the others in the house, and as i ran back towards the house, i saw lying on the ground, massive feathers of all colours, that had fallen as it had scraped it's Self across the roof of my house. They were huge, like large palm leaves. I collected a few bunches, getting as many different colours as i could find. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue and some purple.
The other people in the park watched with smiles on their faces as i collected these souvenirs.
My joy was immeasurable.

I took the massive feathers into my house. :)

14th October 2013, 09:24 PM
Can I just jump in here after reading your description and how you felt after , and thank you because the sight I saw was amazing liKe watching in real life looking up at the sky watching something unreal but knowing it was as real as now in physical is.
If I'm going crazy then I'm with the right people.

15th October 2013, 01:01 PM
reminds me of a book i read years ago, "The Dragon Doesn't Live Here Anymore". The Dragon is suggested as being a collective consciousness creature constructively an irrational fear composite of large creatures which in the day represented man's greatest rational fears.

cool dream Neil. maybe...full circle.

15th October 2013, 01:10 PM
Susan, or maybe if you're with the "wrong" people you're coming to sanity.

12th April 2014, 01:04 AM
Wow awesome experience, Its fantastic that you didnt loose your cool.

16th April 2014, 03:21 AM
I can only see positives in this dream. Always go with how you felt, I say. I would love if this were my dream!

10th August 2014, 06:52 PM
I had a really scary dream about a giant white dragon recently. In the dream I couldnt look at it or it would attack me, it was around 20 ft tall and in some kind of volcano, and I felt it represented my anger/fears, or was causing them.

10th August 2014, 08:29 PM
Awesome experience! :)

My better half and I make Hand made Elemental Dragon sculpture that we vend as Merchants in Renaissance Faires throughout the USA. So Dragons are always Welcomed in my Dreams and NP adventures! :wink:

10th March 2015, 09:37 PM
This reminded me of a powerful ally. Shes a witch and rides a feathered winged serpent with the head of an eagle. Each feather is a different color. From what I've interpreted from her the creature is a group consciousness and each feather is a person - every one a different color to represent each persons attributes.