View Full Version : Hello, Robert

13th October 2013, 08:50 PM
Hello, Robert

A couple nights ago, I had a bad dream, felt like I was getting an MRI or something, as if some sort of pictures were being taken of my mind, etc. It felt almost like a seizure, and then I had a projection about the US government. Have a terrible headache today.

I'm upset. I had had a dream the night before in which I was gaining control of an ashen colored orb, hovering over my PS3. It was a very dense dream and I felt much, much power in it. I feel there is something to be gained from this dream. Days prior to this vision, I had another dream where my dad was carrying a platter of food, enshrouded in this color. I couldn't see the food, but the platter was large and extraordinary.

A visit form the US two days prior the mind probe (?), I feel, an agent had told me that 'darkness goes out.' From her was cast a white cloud, which I wasn't very impressed with. I've been having images of the US now, where other images should reside. They had shone a light in my left eye the night before and shot a ray through my head. I dodged it slightly.

Can you give insight on government tampering? I am wondering if this projection will affect my control of the dark orb, which is associated with a darker-self I've once perceived.


Hello again, Mr. Bruce,

I woke today from a horribly absent minded and manipulative dream which ended in the incision of my chest and the stitching of my heart. I felt empty this morning and began to cry, knowing something had been stolen or was missing. The end of the dream said that things won't be the same.

Is it possible to reclaim there losses??? It feels disgusting and I feel raped by society. Please let me know what you think. I feel today jumpy and skittish as opposed to wholesome and grand. I feel my heart has been lessened by others.

Thank you in advance for your response,

Robert Bruce
16th October 2013, 07:03 AM
I think you are picking up on the turmoil that is happening regarding the looming US default.

This situation does involve enormous manipulation of the world in general.

So its possible you are getting an abstract reflection of this.

This would be a good time to stock up on food and essentials, to buy gold and silver and solid things, and to keep lots of cash on hand in case the banks close as they did in Cyprus.

Cyprus is the model (a trial run) of what will happen everywhere.
