View Full Version : All Paths

13th October 2013, 03:01 AM
Hello Robert. I plan on embarking on the three main types of paths which is the Left hand path, right hand path and the middle path. I choose to go through this so that I may not be biased by one path or have gains that will have benefits from all paths. What might be your opinion on such a thing?

Robert Bruce
16th October 2013, 06:55 AM
One thing at a time, my friend.

The middle path is the short path, albeit the most difficult path.

The left hand path is, basically, black magic. This I do not advise as it is very destructive in general. However, it is good to know the ways of the left hand path.

I recommend The Path of the Masters. This is based solely on personal experience.

First things first, to tread the path of the masters you will need to start breaking your programming (mind control) and connecting with your higher self. All knowledge already exists inside of you. The budding master needs to begin the process of accessing this. The process involves downloads of information, inspirational ideas etc. And to do this you need to cleanse your belief systems, as per my ... The Catch Basket Concept article.


Robert Bruce
16th October 2013, 06:57 AM
I found this on a text file. Its the original version.


The Catch Basket Concept

A New Approach to Life and The Greater Spiritual Reality

By Robert Bruce


The Catch Basket Concept

I found the following article, yet again, while searching through my computer files. I had
completely forgotten writing it. It seems a shame to waste it, so here it is. It explains a little about
who I am and where I am coming from, and why I write the books and articles I do. My life; it's
been a learning process in every sense of The Word.

In the mid-to-late nineteen-eighties, I experienced a serious belief system challenge. Glaring
contradictions arose at every turn, between my ongoing hard-life experiences and popularly
accepted New Age concepts of spiritual reality. I struggled to comprehend and integrate my
experience with this paradigm, being forced time and time again to accept illogical compromises.
But adaptation of my life experience soon became impossible and I began suffocating under its
awkward burden. The popular model rapidly became unworkable in a practical sense. Either I
was going crazy and experiencing consistent, repeatable delusions, as were all the people I was
helping, or something was decidedly rotten in downtown Denmark.

Like many people down through the ages, I had spent my life searching for spiritual truth and
meaning to life. For many years, I had sat in development groups, prayed, meditated, visualized
and read until my eyes burned and my mind reeled under the massive contradictory onslaught. I
developed psychic abilities, had spectacular OBE's, visions and mystical experiences. I made
good progress, but still I need more. . .

I was eventually reborn and transformed when I raised my kundalini to its highest level around
1987 (this was when the enigma of my life became apparent to me). But raising kundalini, in
itself, does not bring instant enlightenment. Kundalini has to be raised regularly and mastered,
just like any other ability. The first time kundalini is raised it causes 'abstract' enlightenment, not
actual enlightenment. You know everything while kundalini is raised, but cannot realize this when
you return to a normal level of consciousness (the base level of consciousness in the normal
waking state). There are no shortcuts, and there is no way of avoiding all the hard work and hard-
life experience necessary for the abstracts to filter down into your conscious mind and physical

All of this gleaned me glimpses of the greater spiritual reality above, with a few tantalizingly
abstract snippets of abstract higher truth thrown in for good measure. But my increasingly strong
contact with the greater spiritual reality provided me with a flood of contradictions to the popularly
accepted model. This intellectual burden grew and grew as my belief system was stretched way
beyond its design limits. It rapidly approached critical mass.

I was offered a solution in 1990. I had a major experience where an angel, or my higher-self (hard
to tell which, and somewhat of a moot point really) manifested to me as a powerful objective
voice. I could have recorded this had I a tape recorder handy; it was that audible. I was wide-
awake and standing up. I had just stepped out of the shower and was about to start my evening
meditation, around 9 pm. It was the most beautiful voice I have ever heard: deep, masculine,
eloquent, loving, forgiving and wise. The atmosphere was intense. I felt like a small child might
feel when standing before God in a great cathedral for the very first time. The sense of awe and
loving fatherly forgiveness is overpowering. As I write, just revisiting my living memory of this
causes tears of deep spiritual longing to flood down my face; such is the emotional impact of this

NB: This was the same objective voice that had spoken to me a couple of years earlier, when it
then instructed me to begin teaching myself how to write. Since I barely finished grade eight, this
was no mean feat in itself. I had worked hard, and by the time of the second visitation, had
already mastered the basics of English and grammar. Even so, I still felt I had not done enough.


But direct contact with spiritual beings from the greater reality always has this effect, especially
when they come to you.

The voice asked me to sit down, and then proceed to explain a great many things to me, the most
important of which was advice on how to proceed on my quest for higher spiritual truth and
knowledge. I was instructed to dismantle my belief system, and then to intelligently rebuild it from
scratch. I was told to be disciplined in my approach and to use personal experience, logic and
commonsense to build a new foundation belief system, upon which to continue my quest for true

The foundation belief system lies deep within the subconscious mind. This comprises a set of
conceptual mental filters and shields, which are fundamental to one's physical and spiritual
existence. These shape and affect your thoughts and perceptions by filtering ideas and
inspirations, making these conform to a central theme, as set by your foundation beliefs. All
knowledge lies within your heart. But accessing this is extraordinarily difficult. Everything has to
pass through your conceptual filters before it can be perceived or realized.

If one's fundamental beliefs are even slightly flawed, information trying to pass through becomes
distorted or blocked. Imagine new truths as being delicate square crystals, and flawed conceptual
filters (contradictory beliefs) as being coarse round holes. New truths are effectively blocked. If
one forces them through, the results are splintered octagonals, i.e., fractured, distorted or
incomplete truths.

Therefore, if a higher intelligence (be it God, one's higher-self, holy guardian angel or spirit guide)
tries to pass contradictory new truths through a flawed belief system, these truths are
conceptually blocked or distorted. The greater the fundamental errors in one's belief system, the
greater will be the distortion. All things being equal, this is why some people can receive
inspiration (be it scientific or spiritual) and others cannot or receive only poorly.

This concept that you create your own spiritual reality is nothing new. Versions of this can be
found in a great many books of spiritual philosophy. But actually realizing how this works and
applying it to one's own foundation belief system in pursuit of higher truth and knowledge is an
entirely different matter.

I was given detailed instructions on how to accomplish this. The next day I sat down and made a
list of all the things I believed in concerning my spiritual reality. I then analyzed and erased all the
things I had not actually experienced or proven for myself. After many days of pondering and
revising, I ended up with a very small list indeed. It went something like this:

OBE is real: I've had Astral projections all my life.
Clairvoyance is real: I've seen auras and visions all my life.
Healing is real: I've both given and received it, seen and felt its power.
Kundalini is real: I raised mine to its highest level in 1987, and many times since.
We survive death: I've seen people after their deaths and have visited the spirit worlds.
A higher force is concerned with human existence and its spiritual evolution: I've
experienced this many times --the voice I heard above is just one example.
Angels, masters, deities and good spirits are real: I've interacted with these many times.
Bad spirits are real: I've experienced poltergeists and psychic attacks, been possessed
and self-exorcised, and helped many people and children with similar problems.
Gone were personal spirit guides (while I had learned to believe I had one, I had never actually
met or openly communicated with him). Gone was the involvement of spirits in just about
everything spiritual and psychic (I had no hard experience to support this, only vague
assumptions). And gone was the entire organized spirit structure above us that I had been taught


to believe in (I had no real proof this was accurate). I also had a quandary. Apart from angels and
other such exalted beings (which have such power and presence they are impossible to mistake
for who they truly are) I had no reliable way of telling good spirits from bad spirits. Therefore,
logically, I had to reject all lesser spirits until I discovered a reliable method of discernment.

The above might sound extreme, but it is eminently logical. Given the source, I took the advice I
had been given to heart. I would learn to live this new way of truth and to apply it to my life.

My final list was real and true, as I had personally experienced everything on it. As instructed, I
would build on what was real and discard everything else. I was told to shelve items of 'possible'
truth aside, until proven or disproven. However, this is easier said than done and I went into what
I can only describe as spiritual shock. I felt empty, alone and depressed. I had to keep stopping
myself from talking to my spirit guide during prayers. If I was to do this at all, as instructed, I had
to go all the way.

In time, this new foundation belief system settled more comfortably within me. I got over my
emptiness and began filling my aching void with practical truth and knowledge. From this point
onwards, slowly and surely, everything started to come together in my life. As instructed, I began
writing a journal of my thoughts and ideas. I used the writing process to nurture my inner genius,
to free up the flow of inspiration between my physical-self and my higher-self. This flow, I had
been told, was blocked not only by my previously flawed conceptual filters, but by the vast
differences in consciousness: between the level of consciousness of my normal awake mind (my
base level of consciousness) and the more rarified and abstract level where my higher-self
resided within me.

I turned my unanswered questions into journal articles. These contained everything I
experientially knew to be true about each subject. I found myself putting in many logical subtitles
and question marks to represent gaps in my knowledge. I used the writing process (revision,
sleep, revision, sleep, and so on) to coax the truth from my dreams, and from the deep recesses
of my higher spiritual-self. As instructed, I began shutting myself away in a dark, silent room for
several hours at a time, discovering a profound new level of deep trance thinking. I thought,
dreamed, meditated and wrote on seemingly unfathomable arcane matters.

In time began receiving inspirational ideas. My dreams and visions swam with sparkling clues;
tiny pieces of the jigsaws I was trying to build. My logical and inspirational processes began
working overtime, far more powerful than ever before. I found myself waking many times during
sleep, compelled to reach for pen and paper to record new ideas. Mundane conversations and
events triggered intellectual storms through the mental associations they caused, necessitating
much frantic note-taking as inspirational ideas surfaced like glistening dolphins leaping from the
murky waters of my subconscious mind.

In time, I accepted this process and began working with it. I felt like I had been reborn. This is
how I developed my Catch Basket concept. During the day, I set my catch baskets by pondering
unanswered questions. These are baited with rich crumbs of personal experience, tantalizing
ideas and juicy pieces of logic. In the morning, I check these for fruits that have been cast into
them from above. I record everything and add each small harvest to my questioning articles.
Pretty soon, these began fleshing themselves out and filling in the mysterious gaps.

In truth, my work teaches me just as much as it teaches those I share it with. Over the years
since I began this process, my catch basket repository began groaning with ripe esoteric fruits. As
instructed, I began pouring these into the articles, tutorials and books I eventually began writing.

Over the years since my arcane riddle began, my inspirational process grew into a finely-tuned
subtle mechanism. Now, if I have a serious question the answer always comes to me. Sometimes


it surfaces immediately, sometimes days, months or even years later, but the clues that lead me
to the answers always come. This has given me drive and purpose, plus an ever-increasing
fascination for this many-splendored thing we call mortal life. Whatever the future holds in store, I
look forward to living it with great interest.

I hope the above explanation of where I am coming from is of some help to people who might be
struggling with their own beliefs. It is neither my intention nor my joy to cast doubts upon anyone's
heartfelt theories and beliefs. But if my work causes you belief system discomfort, then how solid
were your beliefs to begin with? While faith is a priceless jewel, if one accepts anything blindly
one risks polluting one's essential foundation belief system with the curse of mindless dogmatism.

Please keep an open mind to the possibilities I have introduced here. The popular New Age
spiritual model contains a great deal of beautiful, comforting philosophy. But it can fall down quite
badly in a practical sense, especially when applied to dark supernatural problems. If one clings to
this model, the development of new concepts and the gathering of higher spiritual truths becomes
virtually impossible. The parameters of current popular spiritual models simply do not allow for
this. Because of this, many people today bend the rules and invent elaborate explanations to get
around these problems, while dogmatically holding true to popular beliefs. But this increased
complexity prohibits a more direct approach. It leads to belief system obfuscation and ineffective
methods being developed.

A Little Sage Advice To Close On:

Question everything, especially the sacred cows of dogma. Always think for yourself. Experiment
and learn from all that life has to offer you. Listen to and consider the wisdom of others, and try
on their ideas as you might try on a new coat for size. Never buy a new coat just because it
seems to fit; it must be practical, within your price range, and look good on you too. And above
all, build your own foundation belief system from the wealth of your own personal life experience.

P.S. I’ll be going more in depth on how to connect with your higher self in my upcoming
programs. Be on the look out for my new Healing And Manifestation course, which is going to
teach you techniques and affirmations for directly communicating with your Guardian Angel.
Thank you very much,


16th October 2013, 07:36 AM
Well then, I shall start questioning everything now. How were you able to perform a self exorcism on something that was in you? I cannot grasp the concept myself and possibly won't have experience with it till later on. My journey itself is really just starting. I have many blockages. I will start getting myself a journal and recording all my experiences. I still have yet to prove to myself that astral projecting is true by practicing the techniques within astral dynamics. I have a firm belief in energy work as I can feel the tactile imaging working as well as me moving energy within my body. Somewhat (correct me if i'm wrong) this is called clairsentience. Well, I better start on the path of the masters. I have never heard of that path before, but I need to experience it myself. Thank you Robert.

Robert Bruce
19th October 2013, 07:03 AM
You must agree that this path is logical. And once this is understood, it becomes clear that there is no other workable path. Everything else becomes window dressing.
