View Full Version : Drowning technique

12th October 2013, 11:25 AM
Hi everyone

Recently I am having problems with the falling sensation induction techniques, I can't seem to visualize correctly the elevator &/or a good visualization won't last for long and I have to start over. The Smoke rings techniques is quite easy to do though its not triggering any falling sensation to me.

So I invented a technique which seem to be working though I still need to get familiar with...

I imaging myself falling into the Ocean with Balls And Chains attached to every hand and my feet... If you have no idea what is a ball and chain this is what it is:


Then I visualize myself sinking into the water while feeling the pull of the balls and chains, the water gets darker and darker and the surface light gets smaller and smaller.

I'm not sure if this already exists, it seems to be bringing heaviness to the body, problem is that I'm not very good with visualization in general, let me know your thoughts & your tips.

12th October 2013, 12:05 PM
hey I'm curious what does this do?

12th October 2013, 02:04 PM
hey I'm curious what does this do?
Well, you're in the Astral Projection/Out of Body Experience sub-forum. It's a technique for achieving that.

12th October 2013, 06:36 PM
I'm going to be a bit more specific- it's a technique for achieving trance. Most trance induction techniques that Robert (and others) teaches is to simulate slow downward movement, and this one does just that. Interestingly, I came up with an exit technique that uses the reverse of this- in my exit tech I imagine I'm in the bottom of a pool/ocean/large enough body of water and float up.
As you may have surmised, most exit techniques use an outward or upward movement, like the rope or waterskiing technique.