View Full Version : Guidelines for Kundalini Questions
Robert Bruce
5th October 2013, 08:06 AM
Please use this forum for Kundalini related questions only.
Anyone can post here.
Users of the new program, Raising Kundalini, can also post their questions here. A link from the program interface will bring people from the program directly to here.
If you are a user of the program, Raising Kundalini, please place the words 'RK user' in the subject line and I will endeavor to address your questions promptly. If you are registered on this forum (recommended) you will be notified by email when my reply is posted.
5th October 2013, 09:04 AM
Anyone can post here.
Just to be clear, you mean also answering questions and otherwise participating in threads (rather than the more restrictive rules in the Ask Robert forum)?
Copying this from later in the thread:
What I mean by 'anyone can post here' is that anyone can ask a question, and not just people that participate in the 'Raising Kundalini'.
But, this is not the place for discussion. Discussion is for the other Kundalini forum here, under the energy work section.
:) No worries. Thanks for the clarification.
5th October 2013, 11:50 AM
I have been doing breathe meditation since a month,i have been experiencing a sensation at the end of my nose and between my eye brows I feel a pulling sensation.This is more strong when i breathe out.and another thing now I feel this sensation in normal hours (while i m not doing meditation) if I just concentrate a little in my breathe.I believe something is happening in my Third eye Could any one share their experience similar or any suggestion to step up to new dimension. Peace..
5th October 2013, 12:20 PM
I do feel pulzations in my it kundalini related?? I do also feel on my right sholderblade a pulling and pusching heaviness?? and it goes up to neck all on right side?? also back of my head like cramp??
Robert Bruce
6th October 2013, 06:36 AM
The pulsations in your spine may be Kundalini related.
The issue with your shoulderblade and neck is likely to result from a pinched nerve in your neck. I suggest you see an acupuncturist, chiropractor, or masseur for help with this.
I do feel pulzations in my it kundalini related?? I do also feel on my right sholderblade a pulling and pusching heaviness?? and it goes up to neck all on right side?? also back of my head like cramp??
6th October 2013, 07:25 AM
The pulsations in your spine may be Kundalini related.
The issue with your shoulderblade and neck is likely to result from a pinched nerve in your neck. I suggest you see an acupuncturist, chiropractor, or masseur for help with this.
Thank you Robert, I will go to an chiropractor and have my X-ray with me...I have many injuries in my skelett and in the disk´s and the vertebraes.....on vertebra is so injured that it is down to the be total honest, I have not dared to visit an chiropractor since 1992 when the dislocated vertebra was placed in it´s right place...and it did give me a feeling that more of this might kill me...and I can say I did feel when they have taken the deeper X-ray to see all nerv-root´s too...and I feel if not done in right way, I might get the nerv cut off and I will be pralysed....I have to overcome the fear....the chiropractor can do something wrong and it is too late to say sorry when the total damage is done and I am paralysed, it might not be reparable even we know much about how to heal nerv damages today.
Robert Bruce
6th October 2013, 10:41 AM
What I mean by 'anyone can post here' is that anyone can ask a question, and not just people that participate in the 'Raising Kundalini'.
But, this is not the place for discussion. Discussion is for the other Kundalini forum here, under the energy work section.
Robert Bruce
6th October 2013, 10:44 AM
I have similar spinal injuries; lower back, mid back, neck, of similar severity.
I heal myself with energy work and affirmations and healing.
I take no drugs or anything else.
I would suggest that you find a good Dr. of TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) and get some acupuncture and Qi Gong healing.
Acupuncture is 'the best' for spinal. Very non invasive and very effective.
6th October 2013, 10:59 AM
I have similar spinal injuries; lower back, mid back, neck, of similar severity.
I heal myself with energy work and affirmations and healing.
I take no drugs or anything else.
I would suggest that you find a good Dr. of TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) and get some acupuncture and Qi Gong healing.
Acupuncture is 'the best' for spinal. Very non invasive and very effective.
Thank you Robert for telling me this, I started so good with energy work but then I bumped into severe problems, and I stopped the energy work as you sudgest also...if it does be too overwhealming to get back to your "normal" you I am going another path to find my-self first so the rised energies does not knock me of my feet´s so to speak.
I am specially happy your tip of the TCM and Quigong...I have intuited about the Quigong...but the achupunture I am not so sure of...I have done it and with not what so ever of results...but I feel much for Quigong.
I must find my-self for better ground so to speak...I did get to know about the energy work it is working but when you have big issues as I have, then it is advisable to take it easy.
But your energy work does work, absolutely.
Robert Bruce
6th October 2013, 04:35 PM
With acupuncture, just like with chiropractic, there is a big difference between therapists. Some are good and some are not so effective. So it pays to try more than one.
2nd November 2014, 07:08 PM
Hello, new to this forum, have a question, as I'm raising energy through the legs into the base chakra, I'm feeling pressure at my diaphragm as though a big balloon is filling up and my base chakra is spilling out all the way up into my diaphragm just below my rib cage. Each time I try to raise kundalini it stops right there with very strong pressure as though someone is pushing up into my diaphragm area yet no kundalini firing occurs. This is been happening for quite some time. How do I get past this and actually start the serpent rising ?
2nd November 2014, 07:12 PM
To Robert Bruce. . . I've tried E-Mailing the company several times all with no result PLEASE HELP
I have downloaded all that is downloadable, yet video recording #15 always turns out having no sound. I have tried sending numerous emails to Astral Dynamics and still have received no reply. The site that is given for the download continues to give only video but no sound every time I try to download it. Is there a way to obtain #15 of the Astral Projection program that has sound?
My email -crcall08205 at gmail dot com
Thank you for your help....
Robert Bruce
24th November 2014, 07:29 AM
See my other post on this.
The video is fine. But it does not like windows media player on windows 7, for some reason. The solution is to download the free VLC media player and the vid will work fine. I have no idea why this particular vid does not like win 7 media player....all the rest work fine on it.
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