View Full Version : Dream interpretation help!

1st October 2013, 09:23 AM
I saw myself on a cruise in my dreams. Cruise was rock solid and was very strong. We were traveling on it. All of sudden I saw a thunder storm headed towards us and it looked we won't be saved. There was a woman who looked like manager on cruise team. Thunder storm struck and whole cruise started falling apart. This woman reached me, she took me to upper part of cruise. I was laying on floor and she was chanting something. I saw something connected us, it was golden light surrounding our bodies. Then we were out of the cruise, in few moments we were out of whole universe. She still was with me, holding me.

Then she chose something we went to different boat. It looked like it was rescue boat. I was very fearful. She gave me a seat, also told me I have a room here. Then I saw her she was arranging some help for me. She chose another lady, gave her all tools. She told me she will stay updated with my progress and this lady is my supporter. Both will look after me. She will be here in a while. I didn't get to see her. It was this all. It made me feel good.

Whole dream shifted then, It was like remembering what and where I was when storm struck that cruise. I was in my room, I was packing something. I saw all doors were open and I could sea. Waves were getting heavier to surge storm. Then cruise started to shake left and right. It was scary. I was hurrying up, I saw this woman collected me from there and I was saved again.

This woman looked very brilliant, elegant. She wore a blazer and looked modern day office woman. She had all powers. I noticed she was concerned about me.

I am wondering what this all means? I remember 3-4 months ago, I did see a cruise and I was saved by goddess from evil spirits. Is there any connection to this dream?

2nd October 2013, 04:03 AM
I saw myself on a cruise in my dreams. Cruise was rock solid and was very strong. We were traveling on it. All of sudden I saw a thunder storm headed towards us and it looked we won't be saved. There was a woman who looked like manager on cruise team. Thunder storm struck and whole cruise started falling apart. This woman reached me, she took me to upper part of cruise. I was laying on floor and she was chanting something. I saw something connected us, it was golden light surrounding our bodies. Then we were out of the cruise, in few moments we were out of whole universe. She still was with me, holding me.

Then she chose something we went to different boat. It looked like it was rescue boat. I was very fearful. She gave me a seat, also told me I have a room here. Then I saw her she was arranging some help for me. She chose another lady, gave her all tools. She told me she will stay updated with my progress and this lady is my supporter. Both will look after me. She will be here in a while. I didn't get to see her. It was this all. It made me feel good.

Whole dream shifted then, It was like remembering what and where I was when storm struck that cruise. I was in my room, I was packing something. I saw all doors were open and I could sea. Waves were getting heavier to surge storm. Then cruise started to shake left and right. It was scary. I was hurrying up, I saw this woman collected me from there and I was saved again.

This woman looked very brilliant, elegant. She wore a blazer and looked modern day office woman. She had all powers. I noticed she was concerned about me.

I am wondering what this all means? I remember 3-4 months ago, I did see a cruise and I was saved by goddess from evil spirits. Is there any connection to this dream?

I`d say you have a guide, or some type of guardian watching over you.

2nd October 2013, 10:32 AM
I`d say you have a guide, or some type of guardian watching over you.

Thank you serloco for your opinion.

I wonder, my most dreams are about being saved from dangerous situation and then moved to safer place. It has been always this.

I recalled one dream. I was trapped in some building, bad people had attacked us with guns. For a moment it looked like we will be killed, but in the end this group also included me and helped me to get out of it. In the end, I was out of it safely. Then I had feeling I will be moved to safer place.

2nd October 2013, 10:34 AM
I was thinking, could that guide be my goddess in modern lady form?

3rd October 2013, 06:41 AM
I am understanding my dreams now. I am able to interpret the words. It looks they're pieces of big things. I need to put trust on it and carry on faith work. It doesn't look hard to me as I imagined hard to perceive the meaning. :-D

3rd October 2013, 11:23 AM
My opinion here is that ultimatelly only you can know what your dream symbols mean to you. Anyone can come with suggestions but only you can determine or feel if that suggestion harmonizes with your own interpretation of the symbol from your dream. Dreams are highly personal, so no one can tell you what your symbols mean except for yourself.
As I said, suggestions and intepretations from others are valuable as long as you determine for yourself if its what the symbols or dream really means to you.
Personally I adpoted Kurt Lelands method of dream interpretation and tweaked it a bit to make it less time consuming. I can recommend you check it out at his homepage (here (http://www.kurtleland.com/dream-interpretation/crash-course)).
Extremelly simplyfied the method is about breaking down your dream into substantives to work as dream symbols and try to interpret the symbols in the dream context.
It really works for me so I can recommend it alot.

5th October 2013, 01:35 PM
Thank you Sirius for the link. It looks helpful to me. I will go through all of it.

Indeed, so many times I have felt that way. I think I am the only one who can translate my own dreams. Yes, They sound highly personal to me. Like very much coded, only I know how to unlock it all.

My opinion here is that ultimatelly only you can know what your dream symbols mean to you. Anyone can come with suggestions but only you can determine or feel if that suggestion harmonizes with your own interpretation of the symbol from your dream. Dreams are highly personal, so no one can tell you what your symbols mean except for yourself.
As I said, suggestions and intepretations from others are valuable as long as you determine for yourself if its what the symbols or dream really means to you.

7th October 2013, 04:16 PM
I have read 60% of that link. I am able to understand the mechanism of dream. I also understand why no one can fully interpret for me because dream is made for myself only. So I have to do the work. Sometimes I might have to seek out support to understand some concepts. I will do the most of work.

I am in awe when I looked at dreams once again with fresh eyes. It is like confidential message with love and support from Goddess. :-)

8th October 2013, 05:35 AM
Its very interesting indeed. I like that dream interpretation becomes easier the more you do it and that your higher self adjust the dreams accordingly so that you can gain the most out of interpreting them. At least thats what it feels like to me.

10th October 2013, 01:27 PM
Finished the whole crash course. Wow, there are so many things to work on. I have started off. I also saw two more dreams when I let go off expectations. I am not being fearful about committing wrong.

Also interpreted my first dream. I am still working out, have not reached final point of surety. Other dreams are linked with each other pretty well.

Thanks Sirius. :-)

10th October 2013, 02:23 PM
Biggest challenging task is to build mine own dictionary. I tried online dream dictionaries, I felt it really doesn't resonate with what I saw in dreams. Only 1-2 symbol fit. Quite different meanings.

10th October 2013, 07:09 PM
I like Kurt Leland's online dictionary, it resonates with what I experience.

11th October 2013, 11:08 AM
Yeah, I have a database with my own keywords coupled with my interpretation of them. When I interpret my dreams I always do it with the help of that. I actually build a whole windows program journal for all my stuff and then connected that to my webpage.
Sometimes though, I need to go back and change the intepretations as I feel, for example, it has more to it than it originally had.

The higher self adjust as we program ourself with the dream symbols interpretations, at least in my experience, and understands where and how to put it all together to make sence to us.

13th October 2013, 04:24 PM
I like Kurt Leland's online dictionary, it resonates with what I experience.
Hey CFTraveler, Could you please give me the link of it? I tried searching on google, but couldn't find one. When I took the crash course from his website, there were some examples of it. This is all I know. :-)

Yeah, I have a database with my own keywords coupled with my interpretation of them. When I interpret my dreams I always do it with the help of that. I actually build a whole windows program journal for all my stuff and then connected that to my webpage.
Sometimes though, I need to go back and change the intepretations as I feel, for example, it has more to it than it originally had.

The higher self adjust as we program ourself with the dream symbols interpretations, at least in my experience, and understands where and how to put it all together to make sence to us.
Thank you Sirius.

I am working on dream interpretation. It looks there is more to it. I think process goes by little by little rather all at once.

1st December 2013, 10:54 AM
I am getting further dreams. More meaning and I am able to interpret it now. Just on hard parts I search online.

I never thought I will learn so much just within two months. Never thought so.

1st December 2013, 02:45 PM
Well keep doing it. And try to embrace the messages that you feel is important. There are great lessons to be learned if you listen to the advice. :)

3rd December 2013, 03:50 PM
Sirius Traveler believe me, I don't try to remember or do anything. Those dreams are still on my mind as if I saw it yesterday night. :eek: