View Full Version : Trust in Law Of Attraction

30th September 2013, 11:53 AM
Hello Robert!

1 year ago I was introduced to the Law Of Attraction, I pretty much devoured all the books of Abraham Hicks and other authors, I pretty much think I know more than the basics of the LAO though I have a big issue that prevents me to apply correctly the before mentioned universal law, the issue is actually believing in the LAO...

My rational mind wants proof of it, especially proof of spirituality and I'm pretty much sure If I would experience a conscious Astral Projection that would be enough proof, so I bought your Astral Projection Mastery course in the hope to succeed with it... I was also thinking that I could call some Master in the Astral Plane to help me with this issue & more.

Do you think I'm going well with such solution or you think there are other solutions?

Thank you for the time Robert and I wish you an happy day.

Robert Bruce
8th October 2013, 08:06 AM
This is a good plan.

Belief in manifestation is what powers it.

but this belief 'must' come from personal experience.

So you have a catch 22 situation.

it will not work until you get personal experience, and you can't get personal experience unless it works.

Even if a person demonstrated manifestation and other things over and over to you, it would not shift your beliefs. There would always be those nagging questions 'is this really happening, is it being faked'.

Learning OBE will help....as will lucid dreaming. I suggest you aim for lucid dreaming first as this is easier to achieve and success with LD will improve your chances of success with OBE. This, because OBE is also affected by your beliefs.

The usual solution here is to walk the talk until personal experience catches up.

This is why you start with small things, manifesting them, and work your way up.

This is 'the way of the master' - progress through personal experience only.

It has always been this way, and always will be. There is no way around it.

Think of the wisdom behind this. It keeps 99.99% of people firmly grounded in normal physical reality. And only a few that persevere manage to break out of this and enter the greater spiritual reality, where magic is real.

I have attached a file to this post 'catch basket concept' which may help.


9th October 2013, 07:27 PM
Hey Robert!

I'm really grateful for your answer and yeah... its like I thought previously, OBE and more experiences will definitely help.

In case I'll be still stuck I'll book a consultation with you.

Have a great day!

Robert Bruce
16th October 2013, 06:47 AM
I look fwd to video skyping with you....
