View Full Version : Nodding pictures

24th September 2013, 03:00 PM
Hi Robert,

When I look at a picture of someone, I can ask a question and then see them nodding, shaking their head or shrugging their shoulders as an answer. It's so real looking that it looks as if the picture is physically animated.

I've thought about testing the results, but the whole thing kind of freaks me out a little bit. Do you think it's just my subconscious mind distorting what I see?


Robert Bruce
8th October 2013, 07:50 AM
The only way to test this phenomenon is to experiment with it.

It may or may not be a hallucination.

While this is unusual, I do not think this would be dangerous per se.

The mind loves to make sense out of chaos and will create patterns. This is like how if you gaze at the clouds, or a mass of leaves, you will begin to see patterns, faces, etc.

Gaze at any mottled or uneven chaotic surface, like a carpet, or any surface with lots of tiny dots, and you will see faces form.

The same thing happens in the minds eye. Close your eyes and relax, as you do when you are going to sleep, and you will see moving shadows (unless you are clairvoyant and then you will see colors and images) and if you gaze into these moving shadows behind closed eyes, you will eventually start to see vague faces and images forming out of the mind clouds. This can be a problem if you are scared and on the alert for scary faces and monster images, as 'because' you are on the alert for certain images, your subconscious mind will create them for you. This is why I came up with the technique 'Creating Unicorns' in my book, The Practical Psychic Self-Defense Handbook.
