View Full Version : Another attachment

18th September 2013, 02:24 PM
Just woke up from a nap where I had a disturbing dream.

I dreamed I was still living at my old place, and Mum and I were living together. She had left months earlier to search for her brother, my uncle (who is missing IRL, presumed dead by many).

I was in a heavy sleep, and I tried to wake up. My eyes were full of sticky goo that you get when you've slept for too long. I felt very groggy and it was difficult to stay awake.

Then I fell asleep again, and then tried to wake up for the second time. The bedroom was either painted in a peach colour, or it was full of peach-coloured light (I can't really tell which).

I realised Mum hadn't been in touch with me for ages, and I missed her. So I looked at my mobile phone, and considered texting her.

Then I got up, but I was very drowsy/groggy, so had some difficulty moving around.

I sensed something in the room, and I knew it was a neg. I turned around and saw a tall man in a grey suit grinning at me. He moved behind me, and I panicked, knowing he was there to do me harm. He did his best to stay out of sight behind me, but it was too late, I'd clocked him already.

I tried a a technique to banish him, but it didn't work.

I recall visualising the room full of white spiritual light, and breathing that in, then sending it out through my hands to banish him. But that didn't work. I didn't have enough strength/mental energy to do it properly.

Then I tried visualising roots growing from my feet through the floor downwards, then myself growing taller until my head was embedded in our sun. That didn't seem to do anything for me energy-wise.

The man was grinning and doing his best to stay behind me, still.

I went to the window, and I noticed there was a white duvet (without the cover) laid on the floor between the bed and the window, and that I was standing on it. I remember feeling its softness. It appeared to be night time outside.

I wiped the gooey crap out of my eyes and looked at my reflection in the window. I checked my eyes, and saw they were a hazel colour, which I knew was wrong. My eyes should be a medium grey/blue. I felt horrified, and I wished my mother would come home. I felt alone without her. (IRL she died in 2004.)


I woke up for real, and realised that something had attached itself to me, and for a moment I thought my mother was still alive but then realised she wasn't.

I lay there, and heard a voice say, "Get up!" or something similar, with some urgency.

So I checked my eyes for real, and saw they are the same hazel colour I saw in the dream, but darker with a dark murky green outer ring. They used to be a grey/blue colour. When the neg started attaching to me years ago, my eyes turned a murky green colour with a darker outer ring, and they stayed that way until I had this dream this afternoon.

I felt upset and angry because I've come a long way over the years with regards to the neg situation. I've managed to get rid of one of the negs attached to me via an uncrossing ritual (which is to be finished in the next few days), and I have plans to perform more uncrossings soon to get rid of the rest of the negs attached to me.

So I was sitting on the bed 30 minutes ago wondering about this new development, asking my Nan (deceased) for help, to show me how to get rid, and I received a thought-ball from someone saying, "I'll help you." The thought-ball felt affectionate. So I'm just now having faith that I will receive help to get rid of this one too.

And just now I've just seen a medium-sized shadowy cat-like creature move on the bed on my right side, but behind me.

Disturbing indeed...