View Full Version : Kundalini and the reason you want to activate/raise it

18th September 2013, 07:03 AM
I have read various text I found on the web about Kundalini that where either outtakes from chat sessions of yours or text about the subject in general written by you. Im really interested in your new Kundalini material you'll be releasing soon and that's why I'm writing here.

What caught my eyes in the texts was about the reason one would want to raise kundalini and I need to quote here:

Bad intentions, or raising kundalini for self gain and or to harm others, would bring with it self-annihilation. Like attracts like, and at kundalini level, one would attract the highes of negative forces. The will of one raising kundalini is the most important thing of all. This must be of iron.

My reason for wanting to activate/raise kundalini is: I want to evolve, to gain knowledge, to find out what happens and what it is, to experience and to explore.

My main question here is - What is a good reason to raise Kundalini?
My own reasons begs the question - Are these selfish reasons, are my reasons only for self gain?
If you have answers to these questions, can you tell me why it is so?

As always I appreciate everything you do. Love your material.

Regards Linus

3rd October 2013, 11:55 AM

[Mod Note: Bumping a thread in "Ask Robert" isn't especially helpful. Robert reads and answers questions here when he has the time available. He travels a lot, and is not always in a position to monitor the forums here as regularly as he might like. However, when he does get the time to sit down and answer, he does, and usually he answers all of the unanswered questions. How long it will take for him to get the time to do that is anyone's guess. Thanks for understanding.]

5th October 2013, 08:19 AM
I understand all this, and decided to bump anyway just in case he missed it, as people do sometimes. With this red text that clarifies this further to me I will not bump again.

5th October 2013, 04:48 PM
He answered it in the 'ask Kundalini questions' subforums anyway.

7th October 2013, 05:23 AM
Thx CFT, I must have missed it as I couldnt find it. Cheers.

Robert Bruce
8th October 2013, 07:03 AM
I thought I answered this.....

There are no particular qualifications of intentions / reasons for wanting to raise kundalini.

Q. Why do you climb a mountain? A. Because it is there.

I originally raised kundalini to gain more spiritual and metaphysical power and knowledge. I especially wanted power over spirits. I had a very serious ongoing neg problem to deal with, and it seemed to me at the time that this would help. But it made the problem far worse. This, because it opened me up and reduced my natural shielding, which resulted in demonic possession.

However, these events were absolutely necessary and I would not change a thing, looking back on it all. Everything was orchestrated to guide me into the greater reality.

I would not recommend this as a 'way' as survival chances would be less than 1%, methinks, for the average person.

Regardless of ones reasons for raising kundalini at the start, the intention will change once progress is made. For example, you might want to raise kundalini to gain power and respect and wealth. But once progress is made these reasons will change, because they have to change if one is to survive the process.

Evolution is the best reason for raising kundalini. We all have a need to evolve and we all want this. Kundalini is seen as a shortcut, and in a sense it is. It is not an easy path, and there are risks involved. But it is a shorter path than most other ways.


8th October 2013, 11:44 AM
Sorry Robert, this post is older than the one you answered. I reposted it in teh right place after this. So you are correct in that you already answered it :) Thx anyway!