View Full Version : Gaining corporeal form when in the RTZ

10th September 2013, 05:11 PM
What would be involved for an entity to gain full (temporary) corporeal form via the RTZ? Could it do so on its own, or would this require e.g. a magician in the physical world to perform some sort of ritual?

EDIT: Just had a thought. Do you think it's possible for a sorcerer to somehow manifest a temporary physical (flesh) vessel in a remote location for an entity to temporarily possess?

And speaking of gaining corporeal form… for an astral projector to appear, or even manifest temporarily in the physical world, am I on the right path in thinking it would involve a huge amount of intention/Will and energy to pull this off?

Robert Bruce
8th October 2013, 07:40 AM
For an entity to gain physical form, it would require an enormous amount of energy and knowledge.

Some angels and demons have this ability. Sightings of this happening are rare.

The other way is the practice of Evocation by a magician. You might like to read Franz Bardon's book, 'Practices of Magical Evocation' and other similar works. Google 'magical evocation'.

For evocation, a magician performs a magical ritual through which a spirit entity can gain appearance on the physical plane. The degree of appearance ranges from an atmosphere to ghostly figures to full physical appearance, depending on the ritual and the skill of the magician involved.

It is possible for an astral projector to do a similar thing, to gain appearance. This requires a great deal of 'will' and energy.


8th October 2013, 06:57 PM
Thank you Robert. But I'm still not quite clear about this. When you say a magician can evoke an entity to physical appearance, does that mean it's possible for the entity to temporarily manifest in the flesh and interact with the physical world (if that's the intent of the magician), or is it just like what you might witness at a seance?

Robert Bruce
16th October 2013, 06:46 AM
High level entities, like Angels and Demons, can achieve full physical appearance. Meaning, they can be as solid as us. And when an angel does this, they look like us, an average person.

Most evocations involve, as you said, something like what you might see in a seance. But high level magicians can do much more, including manifesting an entity to full physical form.

An incubus/succubus entity is a good example, and probably the most well known, where a physical body appears to form.


23rd October 2013, 09:45 PM
Thanks. Sent you an email.