View Full Version : Tree Of Life. Babylonian Myth

Spirit Seeker
9th September 2013, 12:49 AM
Hello Mr.Bruce!

Have you studyed the ancient myths that pre-dated the Mesopotamian regions? Assyrians, Akkadians, Caananites, Babylon, Sumerians etc. etc.

If so I was wondering, if you had any references or book reccomendations to know more about what was perhaps the Original Lore of the Old Gods and Spiritual Beings, how the ancients saw this spiritual reality, that had a large influence and effect off shooting what we know today as the Abrahamic Religions.

Ishtar, Sinn, Enki, Inanna, and many

I have been reading up, that the Tree of Life myth had different spiritual significance towards the ancients, then what we know about it in the Hebrew Myth. Kaballah.

I know the western study of Kaballah, is called "Qabalah" and is different from the Jewish system.

Is there any information and reliable sources you know of, studying the ancient Magickal and Mythological frameworks of the spiritual reality?

I know most occult and abrahamic religious systems evolved to what they became today, stemmed from the lore of these regions.

What does the Tree of Life originally represent according to the original myths, and how can I incorporate it into my Model/Spiritual Framework, for spiritual Growth and Evolution?

It's fascinating and I want to study more. If you have any information based off what you know, I will greatly appreciate it.

Thanks in advance Friend!

Robert Bruce
8th October 2013, 07:12 AM
The candelabra depicting the tree of life, if stood on a mirror, shows a map to the astral planes.

I am no expert in this area.

You might like to take a look at 'the key to the true Kaballah' by Franz Bardon.
