View Full Version : How to tell the Difference between Entitys and Thought forms?

Spirit Seeker
6th September 2013, 12:53 AM
Hello Robert Bruce.

As one spiritually develops their psychic abilities, what are the tell tale signs, feelings, and sensations of experiencing an Entity Vs A Thought Form?

I have had experience with Spiritual Entitys at some point in my life, so I know some of this answer already. But in this modern New Age Spirituality, there are rising ideology's and theory's, that such beings and spirits are "Thought forms" and hold no objective existence outside the perceiver.

I am not really fond of this theory, because it can be very difficult to prove to others, if they have no knowledge or experience of encounters with Real Entitys(If they are sensitive enough to perceive one to begin with, But even then their skepticism will filter them out accordingly with their belief system)

Mr. Bruce How can one tell between a Real Spiritual Entity vs A Self-Created thought form? I know for a lot, it can be hard to tell the difference if they have no experience, but I know they are real, and they affect and influence people even if they don't believe in them.

Thank you in advance.

Robert Bruce
6th September 2013, 01:20 AM
There is a difference between thought forms and other spirits, including ghosts.

A simple thought form contains an idea. This is the equivalent of an alarm clock. It has a single function, to make a noise at the appointed time.

A thought form can, however, be complex, and contain many ideas. This is the equivalent of a computer program that has many functions.

A thought form can achieve enough complexity to take on a life of its own. It is then best considered to be an entity.

It is very difficult to tell a thought from from an entity, from the average person's perspective. This is like having a computer program attached to you, or existing within your mind. When A happens, a simple thought form is triggered, and B is the result. A may be a thought or a feeling or an action or an experience. B will be a reaction of some kind.

The human mind naturally contains many thought forms. These are like the zillion subroutines contained within a complex computer program.

It could be said that a 'habit' is a thought form, or that it is driven by a thought form. When A occurs, habit B is the reaction.

The idea of classing most or all spirit beings as only 'thought forms', is, I think, an attempt at deconstructing and minimizing the whole concept nonphysical 'spirits'. This theory seems to particularly focus on negative spirits, lessening their importance to a level where they are less threatening. This, in turn, also simplifies and clears the field, so to speak. Once this is done, the only things left are those spiritual beings that are 'chosen' and 'approved' by those that hold to this theory.

It should be kept in mind that this idea is a hypothesis only. It cannot be supported through personal experience. It is a chosen belief only.

Experience is needed to tell the difference between a spirit influence and the influence of a thought form.


Spirit Seeker
6th September 2013, 01:40 AM
There is a difference between thought forms and other spirits, including ghosts.

A simple thought form contains an idea. This is the equivalent of an alarm clock. It has a single function, to make a noise at the appointed time.

A thought form can, however, be complex, and contain many ideas. This is the equivalent of a computer program that has many functions.

A thought form can achieve enough complexity to take on a life of its own. It is then best considered to be an entity.

It is very difficult to tell a thought from from an entity, from the average person's perspective. This is like having a computer program attached to you, or existing within your mind. When A happens, a simple thought form is triggered, and B is the result. A may be a thought or a feeling or an action or an experience. B will be a reaction of some kind.

The human mind naturally contains many thought forms. These are like the zillion subroutines contained within a complex computer program.

It could be said that a 'habit' is a thought form, or that it is driven by a thought form. When A occurs, habit B is the reaction.

The idea of classing most or all spirit beings as only 'thought forms', is, I think, an attempt at deconstructing and minimizing the whole concept nonphysical 'spirits'. This theory seems to particularly focus on negative spirits, lessening their importance to a level where they are less threatening. This, in turn, also simplifies and clears the field, so to speak. Once this is done, the only things left are those spiritual beings that are 'chosen' and 'approved' by those that hold to this theory.

It should be kept in mind that this idea is a hypothesis only. It cannot be supported through personal experience. It is a chosen belief only.

Experience is needed to tell the difference between a spirit influence and the influence of a thought form.


Thank you so much for your swift response Mr.Bruce! So would you be more inclined to support the traditional view that spiritual entities and influences exist all around us in a subtle reality beyond the grasp and senses of the observer far beyond our comprehension? And we mediate and personalize these interactions via limited mind/concious? Or do we "create" these beings, by the existing thought forms in our own mind?

Personally, I would not see why not the Divine would not manifest/incarnate itself into a Non-physical Entity, the universe is grand and mysterious..

Most other new age websites, I am just so used to hearing "You created it" or "They only exist if you believe in them" whenever i share my experiences with spirit ,when I know for a fact through personal experience otherwise. It's very difficult to find a group of people that have profound knowledge and spiritual sight, towards the nature of the beings that exist around us and the subtle reality they dwell in..

Thank you for this website, and for providing a Sanctuary for those who have had difficult spiritual experiences with non-physical entity's.

Much appreciation.