View Full Version : Questions about epsom salt

2nd September 2013, 10:25 PM
Have you experimented with Epsom salt for the purposes of negative entity and energy reduction/removal? I understand that it contains some sulfur, which has me interested in using it for protection.

The most common application of the use of Epsom salt for clearing usages I've encountered is burning it in small amounts of alcohol and using it for smudging or as a fumigant. Have you tried this or anything similar, and if so, have you found it helpful? Would you say such an act would be as potentially dangerous for the lungs as burning sulfur in a censer?

Also, I've been interested in using large amounts of it instead of sodium chloride (or ordinary sea salt) in mega salt baths, but, for removing negs and reducing psychic attacks, do you think that this would be more or less effective than ordinary sea salt? Must sulfur or sulfur containing substances be burned in order to effect negative energy, or can they be used to a good effect while bathing?

Robert Bruce
6th September 2013, 01:33 AM
I have not tried burning Epson salts. I do not know what effects this might have upon the lungs.

I suggest starting with Frankincense granules in a Censer. For something stronger, use hot chilli flakes. Sage is also helpful.

A float tank contains several hundred pounds of Epson salt, as far as I know. It is gentle to the skin. I have done some experiments with this, using float tanks, and it seems to be even more effective than mega salt baths. This may be due to the concentration.

Its a good idea to add a handful of Epson salts to a mega salt bath. This is good for health reasons.

Sulfur and salt can be used in dry packs, with the packs placed directly onto the body. This is helpful to ward off nocturnal interference.
