View Full Version : Strange Noise

1st September 2013, 08:16 AM
Don't know if you know the answer to it, but it's worth a shot. There have been some strange noises like a humming or ♥♥♥♥♥et. Every now and then it comes and goes but worldwide anyone can hear it. The last time I heard it was two days ago and it was strong. The next time I had heard it was in June. I want to know what type of theories you may have on this or some type of evidence if possible. Thanks. I really am astounded by this phenomenon that came out of nowhere.

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Robert Bruce
6th September 2013, 01:36 AM
These sounds could result from geological phenomena, or something to do with the Earth's energy fields.

I have heard some recordings of this phenomena, and while some are fakes there are some that look to be genuine.

apart from that, I really have no idea what or why.
