View Full Version : Quick intro and a question about past experience

Canary girl
31st August 2013, 06:42 PM
Good day all and thank you for this great resource.

I am a beginner at conscious recall of OBE. I recall one short exit, one astral sight experience (recent) and one disturbing nocturnal event from a few years ago. I'd like to ask for ideas on what this experience may have been.

I was asleep on my stomach with my feet hanging off the end of my bed. I remember feeling the covers being lifted off of my feet. I felt cold air moving on my feet and ankles. I then felt someone take hold of my ankles and pull me off the end of the bed. I didn't hit the floor, but floated in the direction I was being pulled. I was pulled into my closet--door was open--and down into a hole that was in the floor of my closet. I remember looking up and seeing the top end of this hole, a circle of light, getting smaller as I was pulled feet first into this long, dark, curving hole. I was moving faster and faster, and was of course terrified. I had the thought that I must be being dragged down into hell (although I'm not really a believer in hell).

the next hing I knew was that I was back in bed, heart pounding out of my chest. Since then I've tried to understand what this was...a dream? Didn't feel like a dream. A few months ago I read an OBE book by William Buhlman, and in it was a description by someone who had a remarkably similar experience except he/she was pulled through a hole in his/her wall rather than floor. (The author offered no theories on most of the experiences he quoted in this book.)

Well that's it. Any ideas out there on who or what would have pulled me down a hole, and for what purpose?
