View Full Version : Dream / possible OBE?

30th August 2013, 07:03 PM
Several weeks ago, before I even knew anything about astral projection/OBE/lucid dreaming, I had a very vivid dream that involved feeling vibration all over. It got me thinking and wandering what happened, whether I was having or about to have an OBE. Further research and reflections brought me to this forum and I'm now reading/doing the MAP program.

So here's my dreams, maybe someone can tell me what happened:

My 1yo daughter sleeps with me in bed so I'm constantly awakened in the middle of the night by her wanting to nurse. That morning, around 5-6am, she woke me up. I nursed her and went back to sleep, but she kept waking me up every 15-20 minutes or so. I started dreaming about something, I can't remember what exactly, only that when I was awakened by my daughter, I wanted to go back to the same dream and I did! So I continued the same dream while being interrupted by my daughter. At some point in the dream, I realized I was dreaming (lucid dream?) because things (words, images) kept changing/morphing.

I decided to take control of the dream and do what I've always been curious about -- fly and travel to heaven/spirit world/another dimension. I started flying except it wasn't in an upward direction. It was more like, I just ended up in a black space like deep in space where I had no sense of where up/down/straight was. This dark space had no light but I was able to see tiles of letters (or symbols) laid out like in the Matrix (http://www.cg4tv.com/media/p/che/image/stock-images/matrix-space-image.jpg). So I kept flying through this space and the faster I went, I started feeling vibration in my physical body (not dream body).

I was aware that I was dreaming and that the sensation was coming from my physical body. I believe I was sleeping sideways with one hand resting on my face. I remember feeling the vibration sensation in my hand, in my face. It was very strong as I flew through this dark space. I had read enough accounts of NDE to know this is getting to a very exciting part. My daughter kept waking me up every x minutes and I'd nurse her and go back to the same dream because I was so curious as to where I was going or what I will see.

Eventually, I flew past the dark space (felt like I got sucked through a vacuum) and ended up in a very bright place and the first thing I saw was two figures (people?) who was about to say something to me... but this time my daughter really woke me up and I woke up fully in bed and was not able to go back to sleep/the dream.

So what happened there? Was that lucid dream? Was I traveling in an astral world? Where was I? How is it that I could continue the same dream even after being interrupted multiple times? This has never happened to me.

30th August 2013, 08:18 PM
I would say that the vibes were either separation vibrations or reintegration vibes, and you did 'travel' from the lucid dream. Since a dream is in a private place in the astral, and becoming lucid makes you able to leave the personal stuff behind and enter the collective places of the astral, I'd say that this is what happened. Collective Astral environments are more stable because of their origin (being collective, a lot of energy keeps going towards its upkeep), and this would indicate so since you could go back to it.
The space description is actually a 'classic' description of what astral travelers see (starry void, 'graphed' plane, or what is also known as 'the void' or '3D black', a transitional space from where you can 'go' to a plane or sphere or whatever you want to call it.

Note: Sometimes self created regions in the astral can be quite stable (such as in recurring dreams) because they often indicate things that are unresolved, and the emotional energy you are putting on that environment will keep it up until you resolve it.

In your case, the vibrations and void description, and tunnel experience coupled with the stability of the environment indicate that it indeed was a projection.