View Full Version : ETs paralyze me via phone calls in dreams. OBEs or abductions?

27th August 2013, 05:56 AM
This has happened to me twice now.

In a dream, I was near a pay phone and it ran, so I picked it up. There was some kind of ET/entity who spoke through the phone, and it seemed to have negative intentions towards me and spoke with a very creepy voice. As soon as I heard the voice I was instantly shocked and paralyzed. I had the idea that they wanted to abduct me or do something bad. The feeling was somewhat similar to my first times leaving my body, with paralysis and intense vibrations, only it was more unpleasant and seemed to be brought about by this entity through the phone via some kind of advanced technology.

The second experience was just this morning. I was dreaming that I was laying on my couch and received a message on my cell. The sender was anonymous, and the subject was about UFOs and grey aliens. As soon as I viewed the message, a video started to play on my phone. It was a video of some kind of news reporter covering something that was happening, possibly then and there. Almost immediately after the video started to play, I was shocked and paralyzed through the phone. I felt an uncomfortable presence which I believe to be the entity(s) responsible for sending the message and paralyzing me. Once again, it felt like I was about to be abducted or something bad was going to happen, with intense vibrations coursing through me as if I was about to leave my body, only it was almost as if it was forced by this outside agent. Again I had the idea that they were using their technology to abduct me. I wiggled my toes and shifted out of that state and woke up.

I am not sure if I am actually being harassed by these entities in my dreams, or if perhaps I am actually just leaving my body during a dream and somehow manufacturing these scenarios before the exit sensations begin. Although, I have been consciously projecting on and off for almost half of my life, and do not really have heavy exit sensations anymore. I usually just easily shift, float, or fall "out of my body." But I have projected from the dream state many times with full blow exit sensations, although I usually don't realize I am doing it from a dream until afterwards.

I would be grateful to hear your opinion and if you or anyone you know of has had a similar experience. Thank you in advance.