View Full Version : Snakes and serpents

20th August 2013, 04:59 PM
Last night's dream has left me confused.I'm not understanding.
It was a very mixed dream. I'm back in a country we used to go on holiday and I've forgotten the number to my hotel bedroom.
I'm searching for the room but have to go in the distance to another building where it might be. I walk along the beach to get there but the beach is full of dead giant snakes and giant serpents.Some with their head only showing above the sand.I'm not frightened but it's not nice,I weave In between then till I realise some of them are moving. Now I didn't feel scared .Just that I would rather get away from them and go up the bank a little . I found a way up and got to the building I needed to reach.Walked into a room where someone had a snake that had gone into her spine half way up.straight in making a hole in the spine and blood poured out. I could see a big hole and blood just gushed out of her but she was still moving and alive. A caretaker is brushing away all the blood with water.I don't remember any more.
Now I'm confused as to the meaning because I have thought that loosing blood was loosing energy from the area it was coming from.Did this mean I was loosing energy from the heart? ( love and compassion)
In physical, my son is visiting for a holiday and it's lovely to see him again.He has just split up from a relationship but is okay so if anything I feel much love and protection for him but I wouldn't say at all that he was draining my energy.
Would appreciate any thoughts on this.

20th August 2013, 05:28 PM
I'll tell you what this tells me- that you've been thinking of Kundalini (don't know if it's true, but it's what I get) and that you have figured out that a K raise can cause damage, in the sense that you may never relate to the world(s) the way you did before, and this may be devastating to you.
As usual, apply the proverbial grain of salt.

20th August 2013, 07:38 PM
CFT, you have some good thoughts that may relate in a way.
My honest thoughts.
I am trying my best to be aware of people's feelings and how my action or words may affect them.
In other words since being convinced of something after here that we have known but have forgotten,that we can all work towards improving for next time I am working towards this improvement.
I find that the more I speak to the other side and try my best the closer they get.
My experiences are like a reward for my work and the more I experience the more I feel drawn to the other side wanting to learn more and more. I just love it and love them for helping me.
( bit like an animal,get the message across that you want it to do something and when it does reward it with a biscuit.)
So my thoughts are not on the much talked about Kundalini,or what to do to raise it.I am not dedicated enough to quit the wine the meat etc.
I do not expect any sudden rising that will change the way I behave ,and I will not go skipping in the park or acting strange . My life I believe is and will continue just as it is but there is a thought.
The more I am experiencing,the more I feel I cann't tell those who are close to me ( husband)
If I had started to tell him in the early stages then he could have tracked my experiences to build up to the last experience.
But as he knows nothing I imagine what he would think if I said,
" Oh by the way , Yesterday I dreamt I saw a pyramid move which had Eliizabeth Taylor inside a ball on the top,I felt I was there."
" Oh by the way , I had an OBE where I was taken to somewhere in space where people looked like Aliens."
So I feel,as much as I love members of my family I feel this is one big secret that I can not share.
I do feel I am living two lives but think I'm doing it the best I can , ( I just love going to bed )

20th August 2013, 09:51 PM
I see. So it's not Kundalini per se but just development. I don't know what to tell you, I'm lucky in that my hubby, although not an 'experiencer', meditates and 'gets' me, and that is hugely comforting.

The only 'advice' I have would be, try to find a spiritual development group or a Unity church nearby your area, and eventually you may find people you can talk to about this, if you're in the 'right' place at the 'right' time.
I usually don't like to give this advice because it feels like I'm 'evangelizing' and I'm not- even though their metaphysics is in a different place than mine, there was a time where the ability to sit in a group and discuss these things was something that I needed, and I'm glad it was there for me when I needed it.