View Full Version : MISSING DOG ~ Can you HELP, please

10th August 2013, 11:23 PM
My little Dog Zen is MISSING....

On our morning Walk, i was having to take control of our Dalamtion dog as another little dog 'OFF the lead' approached us.

Zen my little old dog kept walking & by time i had got control back of the situation Zen had vanished (into thin air)

He is a 14 yr old intact male papillion .... Lost in the Marford Quarry (http://maes-y-pant.com/)

He has disposable stitches in his neck, where our 5yr old dalmation made an unprovoked attack on him tearing the skin on his neck about 2 weeks ago.

He is diagnosed with a serious heart condition (4 out of 5 severity) & takes med for heart & a diurectic to keep lungs clear & ease the cough.

He is black & white

He went missing at 7am on 10/08/13 and has now been gone 18 hrs.

Flyers have been put up & the appropriate authorities contacted.

He has no teeth, wearing a black collar with tag with his name & our home telephone number on it.

I feel he wont return ...... this is how it ends for us.....

Any energies, helpful thoughts, healing or other sent for US at this CRAZY unreal, incredibly un-imaginable time / situation would be greatly appreciated....

i will try to attach a pic. soon .

As an aside to this our HOUSE is FINALLY up for SALE ....... WE WILL move...... i was wishing with all our might that Zen would make it/ come with us to our new home...... my daughter & I are looking to move to the North Wales Coast.

And an every day early morning beach dog walk paddling in the shallow waves was my dream for us......

Tod never made it, neither will Zen it seems ....... 'sigh' (my life ? ? ? !!!:()

11th August 2013, 12:19 AM
My thoughts are with you at this time newfreedom. Not knowing can be so difficult. Pets can be so near and dear to our hearts. Let us know if Zen turns up. In the meantime, know that a lot of positive thoughts are being sent your way!

11th August 2013, 02:40 AM
Thankyou SOOOOOooo much Kinkajou X

Thankyou for being with me in thought & THANKYOU VERY, very much for your Positive Thought Sendings........... POSITIVE THOUGHT being something I myself have YET to STILL MASTER for Myself ...xX

............... x:heart: .............

11th August 2013, 02:45 AM
Thankyou SOOOOOooo much Kinkajou X

Thankyou for being with me in thought & THANKYOU VERY, very much for your Positive Thought Sendings........... POSITIVE THOUGHT being something I myself have YET to STILL MASTER for Myself ...xX

............... x:heart: .............

The Other Side ~ Jason Derulo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdEPnWCBYB4)

11th August 2013, 08:56 AM
I'm so very sorry. :( I understand your concern and fear, having had animal companions all my life. I can't see where he might be or what he's up to, but I'm thinking you might be right on the way he went, just wandered off and that's the end. I've heard of animals doing this when they know they're about to die, perhaps this was his plan, all along? (I know, sounds silly, a little dog having a "plan", but I really think they do, at least some of the time.)

Still, I'm sending loving thoughts for you and for your little bloke. I hope you're both well and at peace soon, in whatever form that takes. *hugs*

11th August 2013, 10:30 AM
I'm so very sorry. :( I understand your concern and fear, having had animal companions all my life. I can't see where he might be or what he's up to, but I'm thinking you might be right on the way he went, just wandered off and that's the end. I've heard of animals doing this when they know they're about to die, perhaps this was his plan, all along? (I know, sounds silly, a little dog having a "plan", but I really think they do, at least some of the time.)

Still, I'm sending loving thoughts for you and for your little bloke. I hope you're both well and at peace soon, in whatever form that takes. *hugs*

Thankyou butterflywoman for your HELP & your comment was Beautiful :heart:x

He is HOME, alive ...... and now sleeping in his bed (came home approx. 20 mins. ago)

he was found this morning in the field with their sheep ('their' being the gentlemen that rang us up) & taken back to their yard. He has black muddy paws & straw attached to the hair on the backs of his legs, a bit wobbly on his feet & hungry, just 'wolfed' down some fish and is now enjoying lots of relieving good 'rubs' on all the soft furnishings & his bed area at home here x

A Big Thanks to you All xX :grouphug:x

11th August 2013, 11:57 AM
He is HOME, alive ...... and now sleeping in his bed (came home approx. 20 mins. ago)
Oh, I'm so very glad to hear that!!! (I hope you can feel that; it's genuine.)

I bet he won't be off having a big adventure any time soon. :)

11th August 2013, 12:18 PM
I'm so glad I didn't see this thread until he was found. Good news!:thumbsup:

11th August 2013, 03:21 PM
He is HOME, alive ...... and now sleeping in his bed (came home approx. 20 mins. ago) I'm so glad he's home!

11th August 2013, 05:43 PM
Yes, such a relief /ease to have him home x~x

Thankyou x

Just given him a bath & he allowed me to cut off all the lugs, straw & matted hair, which he hasn't allowed me to do in a while, so he must be feeling alot more comfy now.

He just looked up now from his curled up resting /sleep on the armchair, as if to let me know he's aware i am writing / talking about him xxx

yes, it's Super news xx ~ Thankyou x

AND NO MORE BIG ADVENTURES anytime soon :nono: .... there NOT ALLOWED !!!

~ Thankyou x

11th August 2013, 08:58 PM
Hi NF,

Its Sunday evening and I just read your thread, it's been a long hard day but your story has put a smile in my heart x

13th August 2013, 07:03 AM
I only just saw this thread. I'm delighted that all turned out well for you and Zen. May he have many more happy days with you yet! I just looked up pictures of the papillon breed. They have really cute ears!

Blessings to you both.

13th August 2013, 08:54 AM
They have really cute ears!
That's where they get their name. Papillon is French for butterfly, and when these little dogs hold their ears up, it can look like they have butterflies on their head. :)

Just as a side note, I have a friend who says her papillons react visible to the presence of what she believes to be fairies (she works with various magickal objects, spells, etc.). They bark, and perk up their ears and so on, and sometimes chase around invisible things.

13th August 2013, 08:22 PM
That's very interesting about the behaviour of papillons, BW. Lots of dogs are very spiritually aware, only many people don't notice.

I'm sure that those who don't know French will find it interesting to learn about the butterfly meaning. Luckily I live in France so know that little bit, at least...! :)