View Full Version : How can I avoid negatvity while troubled by negs?

10th August 2013, 01:59 AM
Hi Robert,

Lately, In an effort to get closer to my higher self, I have been trying to restrain myself from the tendency towards the expression of negative traits and aspects of my personality while afflicted by negs without causing further psychological and emotional problems. It has been noted that excessive repression and self restraint over the long term can lead to outbursts and an energizing of the tendencies themselves, various physical and mental disorders and health problems, hard feelings toward
the self and others upon the expression of such traits, and other complications. I have found all of this to be true but have noted that negative entities often try to encourage and force victims to engage in negative acts for food and pleasure and to fulfill various obligations put on them, which is something that has caused problems for me in the four most obvious sides to the issue I presently see and have taken: firstly, the more I repress something the more negs create situations that bring the emotions and tendencies to the surface, thereby causing them to erupt or/and causing emotional uncomfort and negativity. Secondly, when I take the route that says I should express how I feel entirely and avoid self restraint with the hope of dissolving previous tied up emotional energy, this is also used against me and the negs will cause me to indulge in various things. Thirdly, when I focus on restraining myself the majority of the time to function in society and to avoid excessive indulgence so that I may progress spiritually, I will set aside brief periods for the organized expression of these shadow aspects and I will try things such as the safe ritualized and symbolic venting of these energies and tendencies and will perhaps enact a fictitious role, will light a bunch of papers on fire in a safe place, will write, or will sacrifice something, but In doing these things I will often find that, it seems, thought forms may be created (without any conscious intent on my part) that cause certain negative events to happen and that these thoguhtforms, which may unintentionally be projected at people or will affect my life, will often be infused with emotional energy by me which is intensified by the various negs that are involved in my situation. And fourthly, when I try to get at the root of these tendencies and transform the underlying beliefs that sustain them so that I may restrain myself more easily without so much emotional turmoil and repression when the negs try to influence me, I am successful sometimes but find three frequent things 99.9% of the time: the negs will stop me from thinking or I will be clueless as to what beliefs to attempt to implant, and how to keep the negs from causing self-doubt.

So, my question is: In my situation, Is it possible to avoid the excessive expression of these negative traits without harming myself and others and, if so, do you have any tips on how this might be accomplished?

Robert Bruce
15th August 2013, 05:33 AM
I think what this comes down to is developing self discipline. A gradual approach is best.

To this end, you need to apply certain things to your self regularly. For example, to spend one hour per day exercising, to eat healthier food, etc. It takes a few weeks to create a habit, and a habit is a powerful mindset that could be called a 'thought form'.

I suggest you tackle a few physical things first and build on your success as you go. Then, when you have developed some 'good habits' start to examine your thought processes and take control over them progressively.

If a neg is involved, it will be trying to program you in similar ways, by countering every positive thing you try to do for yourself. Negs can be extremely petty in this respect, and will expend a lot of energy countering relatively simple and unimportant changes that you attempt to apply.

Self reflection also helps. At the end of each day, or at a regular time, meditate and recall the days events and all the conversations and thoughts you have had. Examine them for good thinking and good action. Judge yourself fairly. And try to do better each day.

Anything that might help you will require some regular work on your behalf.

As for restraining your self from negative thoughts, words, and behaviors, that is a good start and should be a regular practice.

Perfection is not the goal. Making a little progress each day is to be aimed for. And you can expect occasional backsliding. When that happens, just forgive yourself and get back on your self help program.

16th August 2013, 04:31 AM
Just for clarification, In the past, when I have fought negative traits with will power, later outbursts were the result as the restrained energy would erupt uncontrollably. Do you think that continued effort in spite of the outbursts would have led to a significant mastery over the traits and that the outbursts would have disappeared?