View Full Version : Question to Bruce.

7th August 2013, 11:13 AM
Dear Bruce,
if i would decide to end my life by suicide, and propose myself as a colleague, i could be a man on the other side. collect information, transmit information, go to missions that you give, retrieve valuable things. would you be interested in working with me?
i know you may see me as a fool but, am i capable of doing so or am i not or... who knows maybe this is your only chance to have your own man on that side.. who will ever propose he's life. ofcource im not dong this for you, or THE TRUTH :) if ill decide ill do it anyway so i thought maybe i could put some benefit to it. just answer frankly, what do you think ?

Robert Bruce
7th August 2013, 03:44 PM
Thank you for thinking of me. While this sounds logical, the afterlife does not really work in this way.

It is extremely difficult for a deceased spirit to even pass a simple message back to the living.

The afterlife is so deeply engaging that it demands complete and absolute attention. And a great deal of time, sometimes many hundreds of years, can pass before you know it.

Suicide is not a good answer to solving problems and making things right in ones life. It is, in fact, far more efficient to address life's problems while one is still alive, as great progress can be made in a very short time.

When people talk to me of suicide, because their life circumstances are unbearable, i always suggest that they take a long walk. Keep walking. Go to another state or country. Start a new life. If similar problems appear after a time, this is life's way of telling you that you need to learn something...something about yourself. And it will keep reappearing until it is faced and overcome.

peace, robert

7th August 2013, 03:54 PM
I wanted to add to Robert's post my own experiences in this regard.
When people pass with many life troubles, they don't just 'forget about them'- they enter a state in which they relive them and continue to do so until they are resolved. I experienced this with the passing of my grandmother, and my mother, to some extent. Robert describes this also in his books about astral projection. Other authors also describe what happens to suicides- it's not a seamless crossover, it's very complicated and pain inducing- so the perfect state to pass over is when all life issues have been resolved- that's why karma and reincarnation are concepts that persist in religions and spiritual disciplines.
Someone very wise once told me that "the time when you're done here is when you don't have anything that makes you hate it here".