View Full Version : A question on music!

3rd August 2013, 04:21 PM
Hello hello everybody,

An interesting thought occurred this morning while I was playing guitar. I've recently become interested in the source of human intellect and development i.e. the discovery of inventions, weapons, make-up, clothing aesthetics, tools and mechanics, and their relevance to supernatural introduction.

I have heard that particular "Demons" had introduced things like make up and weapons to humanity... And the thought occurred, what about music?

By some marvelous moment of clarity, people discovered the arts, music, and intellect, but I am wondering if the introduction of these great things are more so implications of Demonic forces, rather than totally benevolent forces. Sort of an interesting conundrum when one thinks of our mental and spiritual anthropologies and movement through time and space.

So the question lingers: Who is more talented? The Demons or the benevolent?


3rd August 2013, 06:35 PM
Hi Yoda909,

looking over your words I cannot but help to see that you've got "humans" as no more than "puppets" in the hands of either demonic and/or benevolent forces; and that without such forces, humans would not have discovered a thing, seeing as you've put it, that humans are introduced to things by such conflicting forces.

isn't this "product", or packaged "thinking" given of Hollywood or TV -- Fiction's agendas; for the "escapist" pov that'd like to go through life unaccountable and not-responsible. no offense, just asking.

[edit: i like fiction too, but i realize that it is fiction. if we look at historical times of societal censorship, we can see that truth made it's way in the guise of fiction.]

4th August 2013, 12:44 AM
I also wanted to add that the word 'demon' comes from 'daimon', which in ancient greek only meant our inner genius- our spirit- and the word became 'demonized' (pun intended) later, when anything that was considered 'superhuman' or even sacred became 'evil'.

4th August 2013, 04:22 PM
I agree with CFT, the word demon has been 'demonized' by Western Culture/religion. It's a distinction not present in Eastern traditions which accepts the duality of nature and spirit.

I read some time ago that what may be a flute was found in a Neanderthal cave; perhaps the earliest artifact of music. Music is just another form of communication (more sublime imo) and you'll find some languages that are a combination of music (pitch) and lingual information. I notice this every time I go into an Asian market. :)

4th August 2013, 06:51 PM
True, I do believe that, CFT. "Demons" as in some sort of subconscious human spirit or intellect. Muses, if you will, arguably divine inspiration. I meant to write that in the previous post. And yes, Tutor, I guess I was looking at it from that sort of fable-like perspective.

I just thought it was an interesting comparison between the human genius and the supernatural. I guess a lot of what people call Muses is left up to a degree of interpretation.

I have heard once of an American poet, whose name I've forgotten (I'll get back to you), who lived in the cornfields of Kansas. She would work the fields and every so often, rushing from over the mountains, she would feel a poem, and she would race it back to her house to try and scribble it down. Sometimes the poem got away, sometimes it was recorded. Sometimes she would race to her desk and catch the poem by its tail just as it was escaping and pull it back so it could be recorded backward, from last word to first.

An interesting tale of an interesting genius. Her poems are great too! I'll get back to you on her name.


4th August 2013, 11:23 PM
I'll get back to you on her name. Please do.

5th August 2013, 04:09 AM
the word Muse is an awesome word. phonetically arisen through Us...hmmm, the 'i' is of 'ee'. Museec is Music. but lets look again at Museec...as muse and ec. what is ec, or ech or eck; as in the Hebrew letter Samech. disallowing modern takes on 'eck', going farther back, we may find that ec/ech/eck is the word for the sound 'hu'. however, i've leaped some might lengthy information. but there's enough there for anyone to follow up on for themself. Sabdha/Shabda Yoga, original sound, huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, like the Hebrew VaV amidst the NUN...going out...........................................ad infinitum. it's all relevant, language, the word, LOGOS.

the point is, is that Muse refers to level, or levels, of these are 10. these levels having to do with language, the word, origin predispositional to 'hu'man whom utilizes the word, language/s. interesting here is Richard points out a flute that apparently belonged to the Neanderthal era. for even then were, as is within all time, 10 levels are.

these have been refered to as the Muses. Music is everything or nothing @ All, the latter being silence, silence being that pitch wherewithin all tones together strung ring. like strand coiled into one strung strand, within the one arise all, yet this All is as nothing, perhaps comparable to the seed, or an acorn which within is the oak tree.

plant the acorn, the acorn gives way to rootedness, upon definitive rootedness, turn upward is that which seeks the light, bursting above the soil is the sapling, for every year a ring, as if a pebble were dropped into still waters stretching outward as given horizon. yet the stretching must obey spherical law; such that the pebble dropped and rings outgoing therefrom eventually arrive back upon the precise drop point.

silence is then impacted, given not-ice*, as deep is calling unto deep. like an echo returning. like VGER returning in the Star Trek movie. the word went out, and in the echo's re-turn-ing a multitude of word arrived hOMe. the in-form-at-ion definitively feeds back. then comes the leap, or to say, the next level, or Muse if you will.

imagine if you will, the force which drew to it's Self all that would a planet such as Earth BE, watchfully under the Mystic Eye, Silence yet non-silence, action yet inaction [sounds backwards..yep]. yet, a leap cannot be physically observable, and therefore is in-action, hidden/secret...esoteric. though the action is everybit observable, down to the disappearance of matter into endlessness, just as is the disappearance of universe into infiniteness. ness for ness, one 'ness' means 'miracle', the double or twin 'ness' [nn] means 'many miracles'. there are many miracles both endlessly and infinitely. point is, can't have one without the other, or the other without the ONEness.

AH! Oneness....YOU say, "Oneness!". Thus is how 'ee' leaped to 'i'. thusly is how Muse leaps like Jeremiah was a Bull Frog, was a good friend of mine, across the lilly pads of ponded horizon, spherically answered in the Twain. Muse...Musee...Music of the Spheres. Before ever 'i' was, was the word ringing out, coming round back upon my self for me...to be.

MuseEQ10....EQ - emotional quotient, 10 - not nine, not eleven, but ten. 'Sam' means 'poison/toxic + 'ech' meaning the cure - 'hu'. thus man in the leap is human. such that a Neanderthal played the fluted Music of the Spheres. Muse + EQ10 = the sum of everything as nothing @ ALL. ref. "the hair of the dog that bit ya". Aesculapius and his daughter Hygeia(sp?), he held the staff with the snake climbing up, she drained the snake's toxin into a bowl for the anti-venom; he held everything, she re-turned everything as nothing. fables...lore...tales of old, ancient of days.

irony - we call ourselves "Modern Man".

Jesus, when His disciples questioned on the End, questioned in re-turn, "why do you inquire about the end when you know nothing of the Beginning?". paraphrase

"What I think about everything means very little, what I imagine to know amounts to nothing at all, what I might come to understand begins where these two ends meet as one." Y ~ Heart, where the WHY under-stands What!? is..is why. cause and effect, karma, what goes around comes around...etc.

When His disciples questioned upon the arrival of the kingdom, Jesus replyed saying, "What You are looking for has already come, You just do not see it.". paraphrase

for all this to be 'as it is', it has to have been, that all has ever been 'as it is'; for 'as it is' of ancient of days, says so, in a word. were it not here when you born opened your eyes to it? how could you sense this as so, if not at first it within you were that it might be sensed? when you re-turn, what will you report back, echoing of your spherically rounded horizon? does one have to have expired the this life, that What!? within them might be re-turned to? yet, surely death/end is unavoidable. however, the beginning ever remains 'to be' under-stood. like this scriptural statement, "and you will be given a new spirit...". makes you wonder, but wonderment is what it is, awe-full emptying of it's self, as the acorn emptys it's self forth as the oak tree. feel your inner yearning, as if stayed in your life, like an acorn fallen in vain/vanity. what if that inner yearning were suddenly loosed, as if to say that you loosed every witness against your self and other/s.

Jesus asked, "where are your accusers?" the reply, "I have none." Jesus exclaimed, "Neither do I accuse you"..."Go and sin no more.". paraphrase

The Lord's Prayer: "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who have trespassed against us.". paraphrase

Jesus said, "what you bind on earth is bound in heaven; what you loose on earth is loosed in heaven.". paraphrase

Jesus intimated, "not to store your treasure here on earth, but rather, to store your treasures up in heaven.". paraphrase

imagine that.... That if within This...life, a living voiced one exclaimed "forgiveness!", and in the horizon round about, returned forgiveness. what if What!? = Fore-giveness; and what if within forgiveness, all that would of an acorn be an oak tree, were to as suddenly as an echo returns to your voices shout into the chasm of your mind's unseen eye, re-call just as re-membrance called, deliverying the fore-given to the forgiven?

upon study, we see that it is Echo [his Soul] calling to Narcissus(sp?) to come away from the reflecting pool of his distraction-ability. can it be then, that even before one might [literally] shout, that the echo is already re-calling. perhaps it were that the new born's first cry out into the wilder-ness, imaginably unknown as yet, is the very shout for echo's re-turn.

O'Kay...stop right here. i could write a dag gum book on This fertilizing stuff, but there aint enough time for such, and if there was, i'd still not write it. quite frankly, it is a wearisome passion. seems to ME that quite enough has been written to have sufficiently under sufficient study have given any one a standing not-ice* of that which deeper in dwells within us all as each in every of One. Humans, as per our individual given potentials 'to be' Human.

If memory serves, in the latter words of "The Preacher" 11; primarily 10-14; most importantly is this of that, 13. "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man." 14. "For God shall bring every work into judgement, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil." finito

ya see, blame it all on whomever or whatever, or bygod everything; but in the end|beginning, it all comes down to You. Thanks be to God for Forgiveness. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son.".

ref. Psalm 24:1

it is like the irony of VGER in Star Trek, returning to Earth with vastly collected data from the entirety of the universe, and is dead set to destroy the earth if it is not answered correctly. in the movie, they've no idea what the answer is, so many centurys removed. finally some dumbarse figures it out the "REPLY!", that it all comes down to an ancient and forgotten wavelength. and let's not overlook the feminine figure [HOTTY!] of physical representive expression for this VGER. imagine that, all the dag gum data of the Uni-verse, and it creates a Feminine Ex-pression to represent all that Im-pressionally infinite data. fiction rocks...sometimes...

now, imma have to go watch that movie...again...LOL :)

lordy, i gotta read this for syntax and spelling errors. "D'oh!" Homer Simpson moment...

Learning To Fly: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaw25N8yxNY

Into The Mystic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8Yd6crJyok

p.s. I love what Jesus says, and I make no apologies for that Mutual Love.

*ref. to another post on Voice...

5th August 2013, 01:08 PM
here is an awe.some sampling [video below] of MuseEQ10. Haters/Accusers probably won't identify awesome, but a Lover's sight is awe upon some awe. it's just simply visual art lyrically set to music, and as art goes around so does art come around. or is it music set lyrically to visual art? makes no matter, what goes around comes around; or what comes around has certainly gone around for as long as mankind has been around, a "has been around" that no one can really put their finger on.

Vivrant Thing (remix): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hm90_b1X3oU

interesting title...."Violater", violater of what? that which is set against Human expression/art...Haters/Accusers...censorship.

not one of Us got here without Mommy and Daddy gettin jiggy with it. of course, there are cases of expression that we all realize are wrong, because they cause hurt and harm to others, thusly censorship of such is covered under man's laws to protect and serve the people. however, haters/accusers cause hurt and harm, simply by being in earshod of the children, who formatively undergo the deep impressions of pointed wrong throughout their lives, even as they themselves growing up will not be able to fend off their individualistic human natures, forced to hide their truth in the closet of painful secrecy, festering lies of hypocrisy covered in the entrenched blaming of entrained pointing at everyone else and everything. Many of man's laws do not serve and protect all citizens, such laws are implemented through and by hatred and accusations, even irrational fears based upon outmoded thinking set against human nature's oft times kwerky way of birthing expressive individuality.

it doesnt take mush to notice, that todays popular music (globally) is set against this worldwide hypocrisy that is the cause of our realistic problems, those problems causal against peace and human rights, women's rights, the rights of the elderly having productively given their lives to a nation's progressive agenda/s, and primarily against the rights of children worldwide.

it would seem as if the youth of our co-world are creating art that's demonstratively all about youth, however, this is not the case as they are spiriting in a world where they as young men and women, they as the children of the future, they that will arrive as elderly in their own day, that they will live within a world that does not possess any They that are going out to come around.

thus, is awe upon some awe. hell, i dang near threw Miley Cyrus' video "We Can't Stop" up in here, but felt maybe it a bit to in the face, as art sometimes goes in our faces.

[edit: although, i do feel to apologize for such wordiness, i mean long windedness. my gosh.]

6th August 2013, 01:51 PM
Here BE a fellow Child of Love, a Sister|Brother; Gloria Estafan|Forgiveness & Reconciliation|TEDx Event

On Her Life & The Possibilities Through Music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHTK4qSk7PU

Amen Gloria...Amen to your Sage Word...and Amen to Our Love.


Coming Out of the Dark: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzO11KQLskM

6th August 2013, 02:03 PM
to Richard's Fluted Neanderthal: Pythagoras Music Scale: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smZoRTn0BNk&list=PL16614F0D42F265D7


Here is an out-standing website of under-standing that I've re-visited over the years, even traded emails with the Author: Barbara Hero. Lambdoma: http://lambdomaeyesplusears.com/

note: particularly this webpage Articles: The Effects of Music...Art as Therapy...etc. http://www.lambdoma.com/articles.php


on another note, and seeming not having to do with music, but it really does...The Periodic Kingdom: A Journey Into The Land Of The Chemical Elements (Science Masters Series) P. W. Atkins

I've read Atkins over the years, this book particularly blew my ever lovin mind, so i emailed with him way back when, a brilliant mind to be sure.


point i am trying to get across, is when something resonates to blow your mind wider open, trust that expansion of opening, to reach out if out be the source. i've never failed to get a responce this way. every time, because what is happening is the enlargening of your heart, the heart the epic-center of consciousness/big mind, whatever you wish to call it; greater than the Nineveh of the Focusing Agency of the Human Brain, meant to serve the Hearted Observer in Witness of Creation's Expansive Opening. Don't allow entrenched "thinking", prejudicialialitys their judiciality as reality, in faith work hard within for your rightful and righted reality, a reality unset, freed in furtherence to expand as openings within that are reciprocally met from without, such that without is the reality within where being "without" has no place for You or any of One.

it was in asking/emailing with an Author that i discovered this forum. it is all relative, and any personal battle ought be contained to your within set against your own peculiar ignorances. love these peculiaritys, that they come to love you back, and in so having done, love has expansively taught, where the other-wise of self-loathing could never have taught any other than perpetual lack, the greatest lie that supplying from within to without is the very cause of being left unrightfully "without".


here is another brilliant Author's webpages, Maureen B. Roberts. I've shared emails with Her back in the day.



If one's life has not been a heart breaking struggle, riddled with timely regrets and remorse, blasted by unavoidable traumatic event, then how may a Heart be directionally Justified, how may a Soul be Purified, how may a Mind be Sanctified. Have we not each as every of One, very Body of Christ, Consciousness et all, come through time from specific event, to endure as Love endures, Us as very Love enduring; to take what is ours given/mission, to be tried and trued, to reach forward and toward The Day of Light meeting the day of light; Our Aurora.

2nd December 2013, 02:34 PM

Sry it took so long to get back to you. Her name is Ruth Stone, died in 2011.

It's an interesting philosophy. Tutor, I try not to take too many things deeply or personally. I suppose that means things don't affect me so much and I don't claim responsibility or control over any certain thing, and vice versa.

It seems today people have too much pressure trying to be the genius, when rather the genius is outside of you, and passes through you, like a poem.


2nd December 2013, 07:52 PM
This reply is based only on your initial post, Yoda. Since the age of twelve I have 'known' there is a supernatural component to the performance and composing of music. That there was some spirit acting through me, that to some extent I was only a channel. Now, 50 years later, I really do question the 'holiness' of that inspiration.

As much as I chide Prosperity Gospel and its megachurches and megawealthy pastors, I have to admit that between a gifted musician and a charismatic preacher there may not be much difference. It only seems to me that I vilify the fancy preacher and celebrate the gifted musician.

My signature states "...and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit". I'm caught between a rock and a hard place. I guess what I am saying (and I feel pretty comfortable with this) that the musician/artist is not Anointed - nothing sacred about it. I will add however that my experience as a recognized musician - the compliments accorded thereby - was the question that started the search for meaning.