View Full Version : First Time Astral Projecting, Need Advice...

30th July 2013, 05:30 PM
Hello Everyone,

I am new to this forum and would like some feedback. I have been experiencing sleep paralysis for the last 6 years (I am now 20) and learned about AP about a year ago. I have tried to leave my physical body a couple times while in a SP state but was too afraid to wonder the world.

Last night I had my first successful experience. Here are some of the details: It was about 6 am when it occurred, the sun was beginning to shine. I left my body and knew not to get too excited since that would just wake me up. I decided to leave my home through the back door and go on the street next to where I live. It was foggy and white mist was around everywhere. I noticed people where sitting down on a bench and there were 3-2 other folks walking around. In my head I thought they must be astral travelers too. I decided to go up to the 3 ladies sitting down on the bench and I introduced myself and said I was knew to astral traveling. They just looked at me suspicious but introduced themselves.

One of the ladies grabbed my hand and decided to read my energy. As she was holding my hand she started saying stuff like "one of your biggest strenghts is showing love to people" "You live your life in a symbolic meaning" etc etc... This went on, until other folks started coming around. The way they would greet each other was by a placing a warm hand on each others backs...

So my question is, are these people also astral travelers or entities? (They looked so real)
Should I trust anyone while astral traveling?
Anyone meanings to this first experience?


30th July 2013, 05:43 PM
I think there are various types of astral entities, and the way to tell 'who' they are is an art in itself.
General guidelines: If they tell you something about yourself more than likely they're self aspects. If they reflect fears or doubts back at you they're probably self aspects. Many guides are self aspects. That doesn't mean they're 'your imagination', it means they're part of your multidimensional self (aka collective soul, or oversoul).
If they give you advice that seems dangerous, they could be external entities, but not necessarily. Never follow advice that seems wrong, because saying 'no' may be part of the lesson you must learn.
A way to tell if it's an external entity that does not wish you well, is how you feel after the experience- if you feel sick, drained, exhausted, it could have been a negative entity, and if so, psychic self defense countermeasures would be in order.
If you get 'verifiable' information, verify it. It doesn't mean that you 'have' to do something, sometimes the point is to 'get' that it's 'real'.
As for meaning, I'd say study symbolism (like Jungian archetypes). Or are you already doing it?

18th September 2013, 05:35 AM
Also, I ALWAYS ask God (our whoever you pray to) , and my spirit guides to be with me during my travels. Before I start any energy work or attempts I will say "God, please be with me and guide me in my travels and keep a white sphere of pure protecting energy around me. Help me in my attempts as well, and let my spirit guides be with me."