View Full Version : Working with Higher Chakras

28th July 2013, 04:40 AM
I recently saw a post on Rivers of Enlightenment that talks about the higher chakras. (It is posted here.)


In this thread, they talk about the higher and different chakras and their usages. One line particularly caught my attention. One line reads of a higher chakra that is a salmon-pink color, which is a color I've been seeing recently in flashes and dots. And I was wondering, what does this indicate? Do higher chakras come in any particular order, or can one develop one quicker over another, say the salmon color over the silver chakra above the crown?

Does anyone know what this salmon color means?

I just thought I'd open the forum to this thread. It's an interesting topic.


28th July 2013, 03:22 PM
that'd be your sole/soul, walking about in the Spirit, upon and within the Mother. Earth is as an illusion for the many, unnoticed, thought only to be an opportunistic resource. the illusion is only real for those not being real. what is real? what is reality?

what good is a crown if one doesn't realize where one is being...whilst walking about? the flip, over, turned, upside down, downside up. the Sky rests upon the nap of the Earth. the highest peaks of the earth cannot sustain life, are dead zones, places of delirium/hallucination. the highest peaks of the sky reach deep, such as Death Valley, below sea level. the surface of the sky is the farthest atmospheric reach; but the surface of the earth is the nap of the ground.

two laws sustain our walking. gravity which reaches to the core of spherical earth; and another which approaching surface ground level from beneath, counteracts gravity's core dynamic allowing the surface of ground to uphold that which upon it having Isness...IS. [this to include rootedness. thus begging the question for any, what is the impact of your being?]

the latter is the same which maintains atmospheric presence, which also repels entry of foriegn object that would enter at the farthest reaches of atmosphere. like shielding from above, and shielding at the nap of the ground. a magnetic wonder wherein life is sustainable. auric

if you took a softball, examined how it is surfaced, you'd recognize two same surfacing components, the hide which covers it. the earth is exactly the same, a union of two which together cover. rotating the softball around in your hands for further examination will reveal the taijitu, but not a two dimensional viewing, but the three dimensional, for as it is seen of one side, it is directly seeable from the other side as well.

beyond that surface is the body, but is two bodies in a spherical embrace, love's passion embroiled to the core; the core led to and fed through from the dually polarizing reaches of that which is within the surfacing taijitu. to say that masculine has within it the feminine, and feminine within it the masculine; such that which is within is that which dually reaches to and from the core. the masculine within the feminine is reaching through, and the feminine within the masculine is reaching through. the core is where these two comingle, is simultaneously that which inwardly feeds the core, and that which from the core outwardly sustains.

what has this to do with chakras? what have chakras to do with that which lives that the living have a life to live. all things membered just so, that we may be as we are. o'kay, back to the souled feet...

the Holy of Holies is as the core, this core the place of Love's Passion Embroiled, being neither masculine nor feminine of the comingling in the crossing where two become one. the Holies feed the Holy, and the Holy sustains, this a happening all at once; not unlike breathing.

this example serves for any body that is constituently purposed/fed to give meaning/sustenance. core....auric, auric...core; twixt these in and out reaches is the climactic event where the souled feet walk upon sacred holy ground, yet it is only as sacred holy ground in as much as any one is sacred holy walking about.

to spend one's life overtly concerned with how and why all this is, is our right of passage. but, in that we have our passage by right, then we also have the right to live free of how and why all this is. in other words, the day suffices it's Self that the day given as a Self lives; yourself, myself, ourselves.

surely it is spirit that wrestles with the mundane, the boredom of being held up as if bodily imprisoned, but what of the body holding up. Is life disposable? it certainly appears as such, looking out at the ways of men. however, as man, whome of man can quell such an uprising spirit? thus, are we, man, imprisoned through the uprising spirits contentiously fitful of our presence as Holies.

yet, the miracle of miracles, is that we, mankind, as that which is so fit, if we each so choose to be, whole. when whole, such as is a contentious spirit is quelled; however, as it is said, many waters cannot quench love. thus, in the quelling, is unquenchable Love's reprisal, that would as renewal, as light's cleanse blasting through from the core, delivering Holy as any of Holies being whole. Thus, is a new Spirit given, the Holy Spirit, soulfully of two feet freely walking about. both bodily within, as well as the body within.

what is overhead? our Sky watching out for Us, that no-thing penetrates against the living pre-sense that as presence lives for life.

Thus, the highest chakra touches the earth as two feet in the Spirit...walk.

The Sun is as the highest, yet the Son in the Spirit walked/s the Earth. go figure....


28th July 2013, 03:35 PM
I don't know what the color means but I find that they develop in the order of usage;if you're primarily a "thinker," your head chakras will develop first; if you're all about power, the solar plexus, etc. That's why we advocate doing energy work from the bottom up, to keep things balanced.

28th July 2013, 09:02 PM
Thank you both,

That makes a lot of sense, Tutor, especially the part about looking out onto the world and wondering, looking out at man and truly getting frustrated or confused about how things work and why.

CFTraveller, I've heard somewhere that the salmon color is like a protector from lower self demons, like one somehow is more grounded or defended from them, some sort of grounding. I only wonder what that entails...

Better not rush things, lol,

29th July 2013, 01:35 PM
"Sopr' onne lengua amore, bonta` senza figura, lume fuor di mesura resplende nel mio core," ~ Lauda xci.

Aunt Clair
5th April 2014, 01:09 PM
Salmon red is a pinky orange red colour named for the colour of the filet of a fresh salmon fish. It is one of the names of the Crayola Crayons 'Salmon Pink'.

This colour occurs in a few places on the human energy body. Salmon occurs on the middle finger of the right hand of the magickian and salmon is the basal colour of the belly cauldron or EarthStone. Salmon is the colour of the right leg of the magickian AFTER they become tetrapolar for the first time. Salmon is an Earth elemental colour.

Red is the basal earth colour occuring on the entire right side of the magickian that is bipolar in elemental energy. Salmon is the secondary Earth colour that appears AFTER the Solar Works cause fire energy to run through the nadis aka rivers or energy pathways.Rose is the noble colour of the 8th infernal chakra and the colour of the rear FatherStone which manifests on the hips of the magickian.

Ruby is a noble red that appears on the same EarthStone when it is ripe for the transmuting of the Guardian Demon which appears as a minotaur bull figure from the Hermetic Sphinx. The noble ruby energy is the colour of the treasure of the supernal emerald green Heaven Stone, also.

So, red, salmon, rose and ruby are four of the Earth pallette colours.
Browns and reds are Hermetically Earth imho and ime. These colours appear clairvoyantly on specific parts of the human energy body when those elemental energies are ripe during predictable stages.

Each colour of the Hermetic pallette has a specific unique nature , a sound, shade, hue and unique attributes, too.