View Full Version : couple of questions about my projection

Amr Al-shura
27th July 2013, 03:08 AM
Its been a week since i started practicing astral projection omce i get couple of symptoms i reach the hallucination level (black/dark hallucinations) , always!, stuck in this level :roll:

I achieve the deep meditation level that im awake and my body is completely asleep

1)What should i do next to pass the hallucination level?
2)should i ignore the hallucinations or not?
3)should i stay awake or at the edge of dreaming?

27th July 2013, 03:48 PM
Are you following the Mastering Astral Projection schedule?

Amr Al-shura
27th July 2013, 04:10 PM
Nope im not following any kind of schedule-

Ok, then I'll move this to the OBE forum and continue with the Q & A. :-)

27th July 2013, 04:38 PM
Its been a week since i started practicing astral projection omce i get couple of symptoms i reach the hallucination level (black/dark hallucinations) , always!, stuck in this level :roll:

I achieve the deep meditation level that im awake and my body is completely asleep The hallucinations are the entrance to the astral. If you are seeing your room, you're ready for an OBE to the realtime zone (etheric) and if they're landscapes of other places, you're looking at astral plane structures. So the answer depends on what you're getting.

1)What should i do next to pass the hallucination level? If you're 'seeing through the eyelids' select an exit technique. If you're looking at astral landscape, try to slow them down by actively looking at the back part of the landscape, and let yourself ease into them.

2)should i ignore the hallucinations or not? No. They're your visual cue that you're ready to exit, or pretty close.

3)should i stay awake or at the edge of dreaming? You should stay awake at the edge of dreaming. Mind awake body asleep, if possible.